Work Around for Priortizing Top Bibles in Logos App - Whew!

Arthur Lyons
Arthur Lyons Member Posts: 24 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

This may be old news but I don't think so. If anyone read my posts today you know I have been asking alot of questions about how to get 5 Top Bibles listed using the Logos App on my Ipad.  So after learning that the Logos app is supposed to sink with your desktop/laptop, (in my case it won't) I found a work around posted on this forum by Bill Stevener.


"What I did some time ago was to cycle through the five bibles I wanted to appear in the Text Comparison, making each one my Favorite Bible. For me, the Text Comparison uses those last five favorite Bibles. I made sure my "favorite" was the last one selected. Might still work."

Well Bill, it does still work and thank you for posting your find.

