Hebrew OT and Greek NT for iPhone

Hello there,
Is there Hebrew Old Testament and Greek New Testament for iPhone? I need Hebrew and Greek versions, no English. But Hebrew-Greek-English interlinear would be good too.
Hi Gegham - and welcome to the forums.
Gegham Bdoyan said:Is there Hebrew Old Testament and Greek New Testament for iPhone?
Yes - there are a range of options available.
For Greek - have a look at:
- https://www.logos.com/product/25772/the-new-testament-in-the-original-greek
- https://www.logos.com/product/8486/the-greek-new-testament-sbl-edition
- https://www.logos.com/product/136/byzantine-majority-textform-greek-20
- https://www.logos.com/product/1813/nestle-aland-27th-edition-greek-new-testament
These are just some of the options - for a more complete list see https://www.logos.com/products/search?Status=Live&sort=newest&Resource+Type=Bibles&Language=Greek&Bible+and+Apocrypha=New+Testament
For Hebrew - options include:
- https://www.logos.com/product/27271/biblia-hebraica-stuttgartensia-with-werkgroep-informatica-vrije-universiteit-morphology
- https://www.logos.com/product/17645/biblia-hebraica-stuttgartensia-sesb-20-version-with-apparatus-and-wivu-introduction
- https://www.logos.com/product/27297/lexham-hebrew-bible-with-morphology
are some of the ones available.
Gegham Bdoyan said:But Hebrew-Greek-English interlinear would be good too.
There are a range of these available as well such as:
Have a look at https://www.logos.com/products/search?q=interlinear to see what is available (but check on each product page to see if they are available on mobile.
So there are a range available - can you provide any more context as to exactly what you are looking for?
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Hi Graham,
Thanks for your welcome and the links. I was looking for FREE books; I just forgot to mention in my first post. But thanks for the links anyway.Only The Greek New Testament: SBL Edition is free. My next question is: can I install Logos iPhone App and add the books I want in one program? Please, give some details. I want to have Hebrew and Greek texts in one program, where I can search words, etc.
I am an OT lecturer at Theological Seminary of Armenia. I teach OT courses, Hebrew and Greek. I have hard copies of BHS, UBS4 and NA27. I want Hebrew and Greek text available when I travel and I don't have the hard copies with me.
Thanks in advance,
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Hi Gegham
Gegham Bdoyan said:I was looking for FREE books; I just forgot to mention in my first post.
That does narrow the options a little[:)] But it does remind me of another option.
When you create a Logos account you get access to around 80 free resources for your mobile platform. These are only available when online and include:
- 1881 Westcott-Hort Greek New Testament
- Some "Textus Receptus" versions
- The New Testament in the Original Greek (Westcott and Hort)
So there are some other Greek options available for free
Gegham Bdoyan said:can I install Logos iPhone App and add the books I want in one program?
Yes you can do this - the app is available for free in the Apple app store. Once you have the app and have created a Logos account (https://www.logos.com/register?returnUrl=%2F) then you can select free resources or purchase chargeable ones. These - so long as they are mobile-enabled - will then be accessible within the app on your iPhone. (A few resources are not mobile-enabled due to publisher restrictions. The product page for each product shows for which platforms they are available - you need to ensure they are available for mobile)
So, as a starting point, why not install the app, create an account and have a look at the free resources which are available.
You can also install Logos 5 software on your desktop (Mac or PC) which will give you access to the same resources (not the free ones referenced above) when not travelling - installation instructions are available at https://www.logos.com/install
Gegham Bdoyan said:where I can search words, etc
Yes you can do this - searching is ok, are you able to expand on what is included in the "etc"?
Please note that some functions are only available when online
Hope this helps - but please do post back if anything doesn't make sense or needs further clarification
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Thanks for your immense help. I already installed Logos app and got access to free resources. I have a hard copy of A Reader's Hebrew and Greek Bible. What I was looking for was an electronic version of it, where I could search words in Hebrew and Greek, open the Bible with books, chapters and verses like in YouVersion Bible, click on any word and get parsing of it like in BibleWorks. Maybe I am running too much ahead of the Logos team, but I would like to have Hebrew and Greek texts together with at least search and parsing functions and all that FREE.
This may be a new project [:D]
With the best wishes,
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Gegham Bdoyan said:
Thanks for your immense help. I already installed Logos app and got access to free resources. I have a hard copy of A Reader's Hebrew and Greek Bible. What I was looking for was an electronic version of it, where I could search words in Hebrew and Greek, open the Bible with books, chapters and verses like in YouVersion Bible, click on any word and get parsing of it like in BibleWorks. Maybe I am running too much ahead of the Logos team, but I would like to have Hebrew and Greek texts together with at least search and parsing functions and all that FREE.
This may be a new project
With the best wishes,
For the Scripture says, b“You shall not muzzle an ox when it treads out the grain,” and, c“The laborer deserves his wages.”
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Hi Keith,
Thank you for your comment and quotes. I am not "protesting" against the prices, I just asked IF I could get Hebrew and Greek texts for free. I know it's hard word to put those two texts together electronically. Because Logos has lots of free resources, Hebrew OT could be free like the Greek NT.
I am new here and I don't know much about the resources, that's why I asked those questions.
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Hi Gegham
Gegham Bdoyan said:What I was looking for was an electronic version of it, where I could search words in Hebrew and Greek, open the Bible with books, chapters and verses like in YouVersion Bible, click on any word and get parsing of it like in BibleWorks
Functionally I think you are probably best served with the Logos (Lexham brand) Interlinears (though they are not free)
The first screenshot is the Lexham Greek-English Interlinear where you can see parsing information, gloss, etc inline and you have the ability to control what is shown.
The second shows the equivalent in Hebrew - and also some options available when you tap a word
while the third shows the "verse-picker" for verse selection
In terms of doing some of this with free resources - try looking at what parsing information is available in Westcott-Hort (I don't know of anything similar in Hebrew for free) - you will find that some of this functionality only works when online
Hope this helps, Graham
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Hi Graham,
Thank you very much for the post. It was very helpful. Now I know whom to ask.