Korean Bible available? _ there's one copyright free

Again, the old version of Korean Revised Verison (Korena Bible Society 1961) has been released as copyright free some years ago when they revised that version. It is freely available on YouVersion as well as all bible apps written by Korean developers.
Why can't Logos make it available?
I cannot think of myself upgrading to Logos 5 or any further version on PC or Mac until Korean bibles are available to use. I purchased all Korean bibles when you first released them years back with Logos 4, and that is what I stick with until there's update.
Please look into it. I am not asking you to purchase a new license of up-to-date Korean bible version, but asking you to look into a free Korean Revised Version which had been THE one for all Korean Protestant churches over 50 years. The replaced New Korean Revised Version (1998) is very similar to the old Korean Revised Version (1961).
So making KRV (1961) available on Logos (PC/Mac/iOS) will give all Korean users better use of your already wonderful programs.
Thanks for your consideration.
We are working on getting the appropriate licenses for these resources. Thanks.
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Do you need to get a license for a version which does not hold copyright any more?
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hey Dave,
is it possible to get the Indonesian Bible again?
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Dave Dunkin (Logos) said:
We are working on getting the appropriate licenses for these resources. Thanks.
We need a license or confirmation that the work is no longer under copyright.
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I just checked Korean Bible Society's web site. Especially Q&A page. Seached "copyright" in Korean language for KRV. I found one particular answer on 3/4/14 by them which roughly saying the copyright expired on Dec. 2011 and there is no further need to get permission from us to use this version. Below is the copy of that entry.
Have you contacted them yet? what did they say?
성경전서 개역한글의 저작재산권은 2011년 12월로 50년의 보호기간이 만료되었습니다.
인지하시는 바와 같이 현재는 보호기간이 70년입니다.
따라서, 대한성서공회에 저작권 사용 허가 신청없이 사용 가능하시며,
"성경전서 개역한글의 저작권은 대한성서공회에 있습니다" 라는 표기로 성명표시권을
지켜주시면 됩니다.
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Yeonsoo Kim said:
I just checked Korean Bible Society's web site. Especially Q&A page. Seached "copyright" in Korean language for KRV. I found one particular answer on 3/4/14 by them which roughly saying the copyright expired on Dec. 2011 and there is no further need to get permission from us to use this version.
It might be helpful to post a link to that web page.
I do want to point out, however, that Logos resources (especially bibles) take a long time to make. This isn't a couple of months deal...
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1. below is the link that I quoted in my previous post.
alabama24 said:I do want to point out, however, that Logos resources (especially bibles) take a long time to make. This isn't a couple of months deal...
Are you aware of the fact that Logos sold this exact version many years ago as well as some other versions in Korean? I don't think you are going to build it from a scratch. Nor you are going to start with old printed copy!
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Yeonsoo Kim said:
Are you aware of the fact that Logos sold this exact version many years ago
No, I wasn't aware. That would speed things up greatly! Hopefully Logos can do something.
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Yeonsoo Kim said:
Again, the old version of Korean Revised Verison (Korena Bible Society 1961) has been released as copyright free some years ago when they revised that version. It is freely available on YouVersion as well as all bible apps written by Korean developers.
Why can't Logos make it available?
Hello Yeonsoo Kim,
I'm glad to see that Logos plans to bring (or bring back) the KRV. However, if this is more than just making available an existing Logos 4 file, it may take a considerable amount of time.
A Personal Book could be a stopgap measure that could be accomplished much faster. For some reason, this gets discussed quite often, everybody recognizes the need to have more bible versions especially from Asian languages, but somehow, all the vocal requesters vanish from the respective threads just when they turn from "wish I had" to "let's build it ourselves" (I even remember a standing offer of one of the forum regulars of producing an Asian bible from an allegedly existing PD textsource, but don't remember if it was Korean).
Yeonsoo Kim said:I cannot think of myself upgrading to Logos 5 or any further version on PC or Mac until Korean bibles are available to use. I purchased all Korean bibles when you first released them years back with Logos 4, and that is what I stick with until there's update.
If you are already using Logos 4, you are punishing yourself with not upgrading. The upgrade is free and you will see bugs fixed and some enhanced functionality. The only reason to stay at Logos 4 is when one is stuck with running Windows XP or the old Mac OS i.e. technical restrictions.
Yeonsoo Kim said:Please look into it. I am not asking you to purchase a new license of up-to-date Korean bible version, but asking you to look into a free Korean Revised Version which had been THE one for all Korean Protestant churches over 50 years. The replaced New Korean Revised Version (1998) is very similar to the old Korean Revised Version (1961).
So making KRV (1961) available on Logos (PC/Mac/iOS) will give all Korean users better use of your already wonderful programs.
This is for sure! If you were to go the PB route, just to say it - especially since this thread is somewhat hidden in the iPhone forum instead of Suggestions or so - the one limitating issue with PBs currently is that they won't show up on mobile devices. We may see this in a not so future release, I hope, but wouldn't bet on the current calendar year. But: the same will probably hold for the KRV if Logos needs to put in production effort.
Regarding your current Logos-produced KRV, can you share the resource info? Also, I wondered about the versification since it is not listed on the bible datatype or bible verse maps wikipages.
Have joy in the Lord!
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Hello NB.Mick,
1. I am not aware of any previous possible attempt by users to create a bible version vying Personal Book and I am not familiar with PB myself. Yes, I've heard about it but have not used it yet.
2. Therefor I an not thinking or hinting to create something via PB at the moment.
Having said that, my suggestion to Logos is simply this (I hope/think it is simple)
1. Logos produced my Korean bible versions and sold them previously which I purchased them all.
2. They are gone except one Catholic version because I speculate the renewing licenses would cost too much. My speculation based on Korean Bible Society's licensing policy posted on the web which they do license to anyone and it costs money and the license is for 2 years.
3. I've been using iPad/iPhone a lot during last few years to read bible and have installed many bible related apps along with Logos app.
4. It came to my mind recently why I am using other bible apps such as YouVersion and others to read bible in Korean and go back to Logos to do more things (you may say digging deeper). The answer was because all the other apps has one Korean bible version free which is KRV.
5. I researched a bit and found out, as I mentioned earlier, that the version is now copyright free.
6. So I started asking Logos: a) if they are aware of KRV being copyright free, b) if they would release KRV on PC/Mac/iOS
At the end, I don't think somebody need to go through PB to create a version because a) Logos has done it already, b) it would not be comparable on iOS like NB.Mick said, c) why users should do this for Logos program when other apps provided it freely.
P.S. I guess it looks like a reply to NB.Mick but I sincerely hope Logos will read this and reply.
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Logos has read this and they will act on this (maybe even reply once more), however, I'm not sure it's as easy as you think. After all, the CEO himself was after this issue over a year ago and they do want to take up the Korean-speaking market (as of early 2014) - still it hasn't materialized. Which implies there is more to this than just re-releasing the existing file. According to very old bug reports there were some technical issues with the existing files, which Logos said they were reviewing. But such things sometimes take times. And if licence discussions with a bible society are involved (maybe they promising a brand-new version in exchange for holding the horses on an old one?), this tends to be much slower than with "normal" publishers.
So I personally expect to see the KRV or another Korean bible in the future. Maybe it will appear on Community Pricing or PrePub first and gather possible buyers to ascertain the (re-)production cost for Logos will be met, then subsequently it will be produced.
On the other hand, it seems Mark Barnes would be able to release a Korean Bible as PB within a couple of days/weeks, but nobody even bothered to answer his offer.
Have joy in the Lord!
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I saw that. Mr. Barnes offered his help and nobody bothered to answer him.
It was my first post in the community forums, but I did put up an excel file with the name of the Bible.
It's a shame. A brother is freely giving his help and nobody bothers to answer him or thank him.
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Mitchell Ha said:
I saw that. Mr. Barnes offered his help and nobody bothered to answer him.
Mark Barnes is very generous with his time and resources. [Y]
Where did you see him make this offer? It isn't in this thread!
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alabama24 said:Mitchell Ha said:
I saw that. Mr. Barnes offered his help and nobody bothered to answer him.
Mark Barnes is very generous with his time and resources.
Where did you see him make this offer? It isn't in this thread!
It's here: https://community.logos.com/forums/p/67060/483576.aspx#483576 (and it was early 2013)
Have joy in the Lord!