Bug: Formatting footnotes that contain tables

I ran into this on my iPad, but the same behavior can be seen on Logos5 at logosres:constrjesus;ref=Page.p_137 (Dale Allison's Constructing Jesus). Footnote 469 has a small table; the display in both iOS and Logos5/Columns=1 shows the heading but not the table. Plus it drops out footnotes 470 and 471, skipping to 472.
Now, it's possible to skin the cat. In Logos5 you can mouse the footnote, or hit F11/reading, the latter using 3 columns which solves the problem. Plus you can fool L5 by expanding the panel (which adds text, instead of re-drawing the section). So it does know how to display the table; just not fit it in correctly.
And I'd assume both iOS and L5 are using the same notes display code, since they display incorrectly almost exactly alike.
Not a criticality. I'd assume the Constructing Jesus resource puts the Logos notes display algorythms to a sizable test, since often Allison has more notes text than actual text. I'm surprised Logos was able to keep everything pretty much aligned.
"If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.