Difference in Bible Word study and lookup

NJ Swart
NJ Swart Member Posts: 5 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Hi guys, I have noticed that when I keep my finger on a word, the popup "look-up" will give me in the NT the greek and singular/ plural male/female etc. but other times much much more information in the pop up tab, from other dictionaries in English as well.

Why only certain times.mthe Bible Word study is great, but not always neccesarry, as condensed info as in the pop up will be enough.

Thanks for the help in advance...



  • NJ Swart
    NJ Swart Member Posts: 5 ✭✭

    Got a parcial answer from reading through almost all the forum notes and that is that if it is online, I get the Greek/Hebrew and of it is off line I get a Dictionary popup.

    My question then is, if it is at all possible to to some extent combine the two in a popup, not doing a full BWS?