Bug: Opening media in Passage Guide doesn't go straight to the media
Device info – Nexus 7 (2012 edition)
Android version – 4.4.4
App info – Verbum 4.3.8
1. Open a Passage Guide to Ezekiel 37:10
2. Select the image in black and white of "The Vision of the Resurrection" from "The Bible and its Story: Volume 8".
3. Instead of opening the image, it opens up the table of contents of "The Bible and its Story: Volume 8", with the image "The Vision of the Resurrection" at the top of the page. If you double tap the image then it opens, but it should open directly.
Fr Devin Roza said:
3. Instead of opening the image, it opens up the table of contents of "The Bible and its Story: Volume 8", with the image "The Vision of the Resurrection" at the top of the page. If you double tap the image then it opens, but it should open directly.
This is currently working as designed although I'll write up a suggestion case for this.