Searching iPad Library. Help required

Suzy Member Posts: 325 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I am having some trouble finding some books in my library on the iPad Logos Bible app.

Here is one example. On my laptop I have 12 resources by Alister McGrath. On my iPad (with WiFi on), if I do not type anything in the search box and search my whole library by using 'sort by author' and then select his name it shows the same 12 resources, so all 12 are available on my iPad.

If however, I use one of the other search options (e.g.Rank) and type in his name it will only find a maximum of 6 books by this author.

When searching for a particular book by him by title,some will not show up. For example, if I search for his book Incarnation  it does not show at all in the list of results. Even if I then sort those books by author, it still does not appear.

I had the same problem with the same searches in the Verbum and Vyrso apps as well.

As an experiment I downloaded the book Incarnation on the Bible app and it then appeared in the searches on that app. I then removed the book and it remained visible in the same searches. 

Could someone point me in the direction of how to undertake more effective library searches on my iPad. There is obviously something I am not understanding about how the library should work.

Many grateful thanks





  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,076

    Hi Sue

    Sounds strange - I would have expected potentially more hits when ordering by Rank as it checks against all metadata.

    I can't reproduce what you are seeing with other authors - I don't have the titles by McGrath

    can you post some screenshots demonstrating what you are seeing?


  • Suzy
    Suzy Member Posts: 325 ✭✭

    Thank you Graham

    I have replicated the problem on the Vyrso app.

    1. If I have nothing in the search bar and select 'Sort by Author' then choose McGrath, Alister - the results show 12 resources that he has written/edited. 


    2. If I type in the author's name it only shows a total of 10 resources. In this case only 3 are authored y McGrath. Why did the other 9 not show up?  

    3. If I do a title search for any of his books that are not showing up. In this case Incarnation. It does not show up here either.

    4. I was having the same problem in the Logos Bible app. I downloaded and removed the book Incarnation and now it shows up in the searches as expected. I suspect the other missing books would do the same, although I have not tested them.

    I hope the screenshots demonstrate the problem clearly. Any advice or suggestions would be appreciated.



  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,076

    Thanks Sue - very informative

    2. If I type in the author's name it only shows a total of 10 resources. In this case only 3 are authored y McGrath. Why did the other 9 not show up?  

    I assume the extra seven have McGrath's name in the book description (metadata) which is why they appear but the nine should have appeared as well.

    3. If I do a title search for any of his books that are not showing up. In this case Incarnation. It does not show up here either.

    4. I was having the same problem in the Logos Bible app. I downloaded and removed the book Incarnation and now it shows up in the searches as expected

    I wonder if the index in the mobile app has become out of date in some way.

    You could try the "rebuild index" command on the homepage in the app. Note that there is no real indication that it is doing anything - as per 

    Please let us know if this helps.


  • Suzy
    Suzy Member Posts: 325 ✭✭

    Thank you Graham - "rebuild index" seems to have fixed the problem and all searches are now working correctly on all apps.

    I really appreciate your assistance
