An easy way to check ANY word's definition

Perhaps this is old news to many, but I only discovered it by chance recently though I have been using the app for a long time:
When one selects a word in a resource, one of the options that appear is "info". Upon clicking on it, the user is presented with two options: search or "Bible word study".
Until recently, if my word was not a "Bible word" (that is, not a word that appears in the Bible; for instance, "Talmud") I thought there was no point to using "Bible word study".
Well, there is: though no Hebrew or Greek word will be produced by the report, any matching English dictionary entry will be listed. So, this becomes one way to find definitions for just about any word, provided that it is found in a dictionary the user owns.
Note: of course, for this to work, the user has to be connected to the internet.
Thanks for that, that's helpful, so far I've been copying words to a dictionary app all the while wondering why there would be no easy way to get to Merriam Websters or so. So again, thanks!