CRASH: Creating hyperlinks in notes

Imported Word document into notes and would go to the end of a verse and hit the spacebar to create a hyperlink from that scripture. After the 3rd try Logos crashed.
Mitch Davis
WinXP Media Center 2002; Service Pack 3
Pentium 4 2.8 Ghz, 1GB
I wasn't able to add multiple files (or goofed somehow) so here is the index log file.
http://www.franklinchurchofchrist.com0 -
Thanks Mitch. If you want to post it all in one swoop, you can zip the files and upload that. Also can you provide what was in the word document and how you imported it (ctrl+c/ctrl+v, drag/drop, right-click copy/right-click paste) and what version of Word you are using? If you still have it, please upload that too, thanks.