Hebrew Lookup on Logos Bible App (iPhone) Doesn't Work With Suffixed Words

Ben Smart
Ben Smart Member Posts: 10 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Hi, sorry if this has already been posted on, I've searched around but haven't found anything on this topic (except for a related one for android). On the iPhone logos bible app, whenever I look up a word that has a pronominal suffix, the Lemma, Gloss, and Morph all relate to the pronominal suffix itself and not actually the word (see below).

Unless there is some way around it, this completely prohibits any word study on suffixed words in the Hebrew Bible from the app, which is a pretty massive issue.

Surely I'm far from the first person to run into this pretty big issue – is there any word on it being fixed? Or is there a way around it that I'm not aware of? Thanks for any help, and apologies if this has been resolved elsewhere (please point me in that direction!).



  • Ben Smart said:

    On the iPhone logos bible app, whenever I look up a word that has a pronominal suffix, the Lemma, Gloss, and Morph all relate to the pronominal suffix itself and not actually the word (see below).

    Welcome [:D]

    Concur iOS mobile app is missing lemma choices for Bible Word Study.  Logos 5.3 Beta 1 application shows three lemmas:

    Ben Smart said:

    Or is there a way around it that I'm not aware of?

    One option is using mobile app to remotely control a computer running Logos application.

    iPhone/iPad Thread => Looking up a word in a Hebrew bible includes a reply from a Faithlife employee:

    If the Look Up results are incorrect on the iPhone it will be incorrect on the iPad as well.  I've discussed Jeff's issue with a developer and will write up a case.

    Thread => Hebrew OT and Greek NT for iPhone includes interlinear screen shot => http://community.logos.com/forums/p/86509/607491.aspx#607491 that shows many hebrew lemmas.  Dreaming of app option to select lemma for lookup.

    Keep Smiling [:)]