iOS Reader Suite 4.3.6 Release Notes

The 4.3.6 versions of Logos, Faithlife Study Bible, Biblia, Noet, and Verbum apps are now available in the Apple Store.
The Vyrso app was delayed and should be available soon.
Apple Store download links
Bible! by Logos -!-by-logos/id336400266?ls=1&mt=8
Faithlife Study Bible -
Noet Classics Research App -
Biblia -!/id513064415?ls=1&mt=8
Verbum Catholic Bible Study -
- Full resolution support for iPhone 6 and 6+
- Word Lookup now works as expected on iOS 8
- Resized Biblia launch images
- Upswipe / Note creation now works on iOS 8 iPad devices
- Lower memory usage on iOS 5
Known Issues
- During initial startup the Home Page of the app is shown just before the splash screen
Kevin Byford said:
- Lower memory usage on iOS 5
[Y] [Y] [Y] [Y]
Been using it with extreme success since the 18th. The usual crash causes on my first gen iPad have disappeared!
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!
[Y] [Y] [Y] [Y]
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The look-up feature in a Greek Bible has become incredibly slow -- sometime ten second or longer for a pop-up. Running 8.0.2 iOS and 4.3.62466 version of Logos
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Peter Montoro said:
The look-up feature in a Greek Bible has become incredibly slow -- sometime ten second or longer for a pop-up. Running 8.0.2 iOS and 4.3.62466 version of Logos
This feature is an "online" feature. Have you checked different internet connections?
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