Selecting Lexham High Definition Old Testament ESV as a Bible in Faithlife Study Bible

The Lexham High Definition Old Testament ESV Bible is not available to select from the list of Bibles (under Resources > Bibles) in the Faithlife Study Bible like the NT version is. Why isn't OR when will it be available to select? (Not that it should matter when I am online, but I do have both downloaded onto my tablet.)
Tim, thanks for your question. The FSB and Faithlife Bible app supports the ESV, but not the HD version of the ESV. It's complicated why exactly that is, but that's how things function currently. All the best.
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Hi John,
In the Android FSB (4.4.3 build 329), when I go to Resources > Bibles, the "Lexham High Definition New Testament: ESV Edition" (HDNT) is one of my options but the HDOT version that I received on Friday is not listed. I've used the HDNT several times and it works great, including the glossary links and syncing/linking with other resources, just like the other Bibles in the list (NASB, ESV, LEB...). I'm looking for the same functionality with the HDOT.
I am also hoping that when I am in one HD resource that I can enter a Bible reference to the other testament and it will move to the other resource (HDNT to HDOT and vice versa) - working like other resources in a series (in both the FSB and the Bible app).
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Tim Hensler said:
I am also hoping that when I am in one HD resource that I can enter a Bible reference to the other testament and it will move to the other resource (HDNT to HDOT and vice versa) - working like other resources in a series (in both the FSB and the Bible app).
I don't think the concepts of series as you reference it here is supported in the mobile apps
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Graham Criddle said:
I don't think the concepts of series as you reference it here is supported in the mobile apps
This is correct.
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Tim Hensler said:
In the Android FSB (4.4.3 build 329)
Tim, version 4.4.3 is a beta version of the app and not the stable version (4.3.8). In the future please try to use the Android Beta forum since not everyone here knows that version 4.4.3 is a beta and not officially supported.
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Hi Guys,
Sorry for the confusion - lost track of which forum I posted to.