Ipad Mini Retina (2nd Generation) with Logos

I am considering moving from a full sized Ipad (Generation 4) to an Ipad mini retina 2. I've been using the Ipad 4 for a while now with the Logos app, and also to preach from. My question is for those that have transitioned to the smaller screen size, have you had any problems adjusting to the smaller screen? Have you had to adjust how you use the Logos app to study on the go or even on the go or how you preach from an Ipad?
I've recently gotten tired of carrying the full size Ipad and case with me everywhere, and have been attracted to the smaller size of the mini retina. I guess I'm looking for user feedback with Logos and preaching from a smaller screen. Thanks ahead of time for your perspective!
Make sure you check out the iPad Air 2 before you make your decision. I just switched from the iPad 4 - used it for ~2 years, and I love the Air 2. First, its physical dimensions are smaller, even though the viewable area is the same size. There's less space between the edge of the screen and the edge of the device. Second, it's significantly lighter - it's wonderful. Finally, it's significantly faster than my iPad 4. I had previously been attributing to network latency what turns out to have been CPU latency. The Logos app is noticeably faster, as is Safari and several other apps.
Great upgrade, IMO.
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I probably don't meet your qualifier .... I went from reading on the iPod to the iPad mini! But later on, at Sams, I tried out the iPad2 and didn't see the point. I think for sure, if/when Apple upgrades the mini again, I'll spend another $600 or so for the mini/cellular/wifi. I love it.
I use the mini mainly for reading (Logos/Kindle and my new app LargeFiles which handles large scanned pdfs). But I also use it for mapping in the car (GPS/topo-hiking/geology), art (easier than the larger iPad), and playing organ with pedal keyboards (mini is not visably slower but admitedly for an organist, the larger format is better for sheet music). Plus I do the usual video creation from imagery.
I'd suspect it works out to your eyes. And your 'finger-ability' (ie when you're presenting, how stable is your finger).
"If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.
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I used to preach from my iPad 1 left on a podium. Once I got an iPad mini I started using that since I like to roam and keep it in my hand. I adjusted to the smaller screen and prefer it. My biggest issue was I was ready to upgrade because my iPad mini was only 16 gigs but I didn't want to spend that much so I went with a Nexus 7 with 32gb and 3G for 1/4 the price of an iPad and love it. It's more narrow then the iPad mini so it fits in my hand perfect while preaching. Overall I don't have the greatest eyes but with the right formatting, a 7 inch tablet works great for me especially since I don't want to stand behind podium..
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Thanks for all the perspectives, I went and tried out he ipad air 2 and was impressed by how light it was. Ichose this option even though it was a little more than i wanted to spend. Thanks for the advice Donnie, the air 2 really is quite impressive.