WOW! Speed Rocks! ...and other musings

I am amazed at the speed of Logos 4!! The search through the Bible is amazingly fast--faster than L3's bible speed search. I was unimpressed though with the length of time it took to do one of the more daunting word studies (such as a Bible word study on the Greek word "logos" or "theos"). It takes a long time, however, it is spitting out an amazing depth and breadth of information. And so it is very fast, but still time consuming! Maybe some of the items within the search such as: Example uses, septuagint translation, grammatical relationships etc. can be set to not automatically activate unless prompted. Instead it would be nice to choose what you want to automatically search in a word study--knowing the keylink summary, translation diagram, and textual searches would be a start and faster reporting of data (it would be like an options specifying exactly how you want each onee of your word studies to default search). And then if I need additional material such as its use in the LXX, then I can activate that specific search by simply hitting the down arrow.
I also would like to see some more specific searching options within non-biblical works within the library. For example: in L3 I created a collection of all my theological journals and would search them for various research papers. I found that I was wanting the option to limit my search to just titles and subtitles within articles and not to be forced to search every single word within the journals. Can L4 bring forth this option. The more flexibility we have with searching, the less time we have to spend sorting through too many hits!
I am concurring with many of my friends here that I want to see a reader's view that is two columns (one page for each column)...just like holding a book open in my lap. It would make reading more enjoyable. You can even simulate turning pages like some of the newer high-tech PDFs I have seen.
Eventually, I want a laptop that opens up and has two screens--one screen for viewing and a second one that serves both as a viewing screen and a touch-sensor keyboard. Reading mode on that maching would turn both screens into a book for reading purposes. A brush of the finger on the sensior screen will flip the pages. OH how I look forward to that machine! That is when digital books will finally outdo the print versions!
Ok I found how you can customize your word can just create a new guide template...COOL!