Problems with Faithlife Study Bible

Hey everyone! First time posting to the forums.
I have my iPad Logos app set up to sync and link the two panes. The top pane is my preferred Bible translation and the bottom pane is the FSB. As I move the top pane, the bottom pane does not move. However, as I move the FSB it does move the top pane.
Anyway to reverse this? I would prefer as I'm moving my top pane (Bible) that the FSB commentary notes follow that, rather than the other way around.
Thanks ahead of time and God bless!
Hi Mike, welcome to the forums. Seems like strange behaviour as the sync function should work both ways, so whichever pain you navigate through, the other should keep up too.
Out of interest, which version of the app are you using?
Have you tried killing the app, and rebooting your iPad, and restarting the app?
If you don't have many resources downloaded to your iPad, and can afford to do so, you could try deleting and reinstalling the app to see if that helps.
(Could be interesting to see if you opened up two different resources, to see if this one-way syncing still happens.)
EDIT - I just tried linking FSB and NIV Anglicised on my iPhone and the sync function appeared to be working ok both ways.
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Thanks for the reply Paul.
I tried killing and rebooting - same problem.
I am on the latest iPad version.
The problem seems specific to FSB. If I , for instance, open two different Bibles they sync both ways.
Wouldn't be a huge deal to reinstall the app if you think that might help.
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Reinstalling the app fixed things.
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Ok, I lied.
It worked for a minute.
Now, same problem. LOL
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Ah ha!
The bug happened when I downloaded the FSB.
So long as I'm accessing it from the cloud it works fine. As soon as I download it to my iPad, it won't sync.
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Hi Mike
Mike Stephens said:So long as I'm accessing it from the cloud it works fine. As soon as I download it to my iPad, it won't sync.
I've just tried this and it seems to work the same way for me whether its downloaded or not.
But I did notice something interesting - can you check whether this is consistent with what you are seeing? Some times they seem to be linked and others they don't!
In the screenshot below they start as aligned
When I move the Bible on, the FSB moves with it
When I move the Bible on again the FSB doesn't move
And I think this is because at this point the verse selector in the Bible still refers to a verse which the FSB page covers.
Does this explain at all what you are seeing or are you seeing no sync at all?
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Right now, without the FSB downloaded, syncing is fine.
What I was seeing previously was that once I touched the FSB panel, it would no longer move as I moved through my Bible panel. It would, however, move the other way: As I flipped through the the FSB commentary notes, the Bible would move along.
Also, if I, say jumped from Genesis to Revelation in my Bible, the FSB would not go with it. Then, as soon as I flipped the FSB panel, it would automatically jump my Bible back to Genesis.
I just checked again and it seems like deleting the downloaded copy of FSB from my iPad fixed the sync issue. Everything is working fine now.
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I think this is related with FSB update. Today I updated to the last Android version and it downloaded automatically FSB. After that, I had similar problem.
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I agree. I also should have put out there that it is the only resource I'm having this problem with.
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Mike Stephens said:
I just checked again and it seems like deleting the downloaded copy of FSB from my iPad fixed the sync issue. Everything is working fine now.
I've been able to reproduce this, I'll write up a case for the dev team. Thanks for the report!
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Thanks Kevin.
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Same exact issue with my Samsung pad, but not with my phone and both are current installs.
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Steven Poblete said:
Same exact issue with my Samsung pad, but not with my phone and both are current installs.
Yes, we are aware of the issue and are working on a fix. This issue happens on both iOS and Android.
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This issue should now be fixed - please remove and download again any local resource that exhibits the problem and let us know how it goes.