Attn 2nd Level Tech Kevin iOS 8.1.1 iPad Air 128 GB won't download library

Attn Logos 2nd Level Tech Kevin:
On my Macintosh Pro towers the Logos 6 app seems to work fine.
iOS 8.1.1 iPad Air 128 GB won't download library after about 100 books then download stops dead to or near a complete stop. 50% of the 128 GB is empty space, about 68 GB free space.
Accordance Bible's library is about 1,500 ebooks on the same iPad Air works fine.
Vyrso, Faithlife, Logos Bible e.g. All of the Logos apps have failed and are totally useless in the last two months. Last weekend, a known issue, I downloaded all 3,000 books twice and then they disappeared twice! They generally freeze during the download and then refuse to continue to download regardless of how many times I stop and restart the application. I watch the twirling symbol that indicates Logos downloading in progress. Sometimes the apps say they are downloading and the downloading twirling icon in the upper left side of the iPad screen is not there and the app is NOT downloading.
I have Deleted all Logos apps multiple times and reinstalled from the Apple App Store and tried to download the Logos books and failed multiple times.
I think when Apple upgraded from iOS 8 to the current version might be where the problem bug is. iOS 8.0 worked fine the next two upgrades did not work fine with the current losing all of my books.
I contacted customer service to making downloading simpler and deleted the free non biblical non-English book packages purchased on March 1, 2,014 AD. Also Anna said you know about the issue already. Please help!
I have a DSL connection from that works fine, depending upon network congestion at prime time. It is usually good enough to watch a Netflix movie, if I am not using the iPad Air reading.
Note: Anna "locked" my Logos account today for some reason and you need to unlock it so I can try to download the ebooks again.
- Up to 12 Mbps download speed
- Up to 1 Mbps upload speed
- Blessings in Jesus Christ Kevin
Hi William - and welcome to the forums
I'm not Kevin - but a few thoughts.
Rev. William Burk said:iOS 8.1.1 iPad Air 128 GB won't download library after about 100 books then download stops dead to or near a complete stop.
I have an iPad Air running iOS 8.1.1 and don't have a problem in downloading resources. I currently have just over a 100 but until recently had just over 300. The 300 were admittedly downloaded before upgrading to 8.1.1.
Do you find this problem if you try and download resources in smaller sets? Just trying to understand whether there is something in the "Download All" option which can't cope with large numbers of resources.
And any reasons why you want to download the complete library to your iPad? It is generally not recommended although there have been a few threads over the last few days exploring why people need to do so and I'm interested to understand reasons for doing so.
PS: You may want to edit your post (click "More and Edit") and remove your email address to avoid it being picked up by spam bots)
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Dear Graham,
When downloading going to arrange by book names "Title" the Logos server sequentially downloads each book. It stops after about twenty books and there are no multiple book commentaries in the first few downloads. Then after closing and reopening the Logos app trying to make it work, the message: "There are missing books on your iPad? Would you like to download them again? Also Faithlife show up as an update when the original Faithlife books are not yet downloaded.
Why I download all the ebooks? Because the button is there and people generally do what is easy rather then identifying hundreds of possible choices and perspectives. Accordance Bible works well with 1500 ebooks and so did Logos until the new versions of the Logos Bible app. Why does a Library have so many books? Because they are there. Also I could add at church there is no wifi connection for the wifi only iPad Air.
I could add at each Apple iOS update I erase the iPad Air and reinstall all apps as a new iPad. All apps seem to work just fine except for the Logos apps.
I do appreciate Accordance arranging books by genre helping to easily locate the book being sought. It would be helpful if Logos helped catalog books similarly.
It would also be helpful to have a auto page turning feature in Logos Bible similar to Adobe Reader Full Page mode for reading books. It would be very helpful to education in general.
Please note Logos Anna has locked my account so I cannot try to download the books again until you unlock my account.
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Rev. William Burk said:
When downloading going to arrange by book names "Title" the Logos server sequentially downloads each book. It stops after about twenty books and there are no multiple book commentaries in the first few downloads.
Sounds very strange. I haven't tried the "Download All" button but I have selected more than 20 resources and downloaded them in one go without any problem.
I've just done it for 30 resources and it worked fine.
Hopefully someone from the development team will be able to comment further
Rev. William Burk said:I do appreciate Accordance arranging books by genre helping to easily locate the book being sought. It would be helpful if Logos helped catalog books similarly.
It would also be helpful to have a auto page turning feature in Logos Bible similar to Adobe Reader Full Page mode for reading books. It would be very helpful to education in general.
I suggest you start separate threads regarding these or make a suggestion in the mobile uservoice area - - which is used by Faithlife to track interest in feature requests
Rev. William Burk said:Please note Logos Anna has locked my account so I cannot try to download the books again until you unlock my account.
I don't understand this comment but please be aware that I am not a Faithlife employee - just a user - so can't make any changes to your account.
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Rev. William Burk said:
I have Deleted all Logos apps multiple times and reinstalled from the Apple App Store and tried to download the Logos books and failed multiple times.
Hi William,
We haven't touched the Resource download code in quite a while so your report was a bit puzzling. After digging around a bit we discovered a bug related to new Logos 6 resources. Not every new Logos 6 resource should be made available for download to the mobile apps, and if an incompatible one is downloaded the mobile apps will crash. We think this is what you're seeing.
There are two solutions; one is to prevent the app from downloading resources it doesn't recognize, and the other is removing those resources from the servers from which mobile apps receive resource downloads. I'll be in contact with the server team shortly and will also write up a case for the apps.
The only workaround at this point is to not use the Download All feature in the Library. Nearly all resources should download successfully but we still need to determine exactly which new Logos 6 resources will cause the issue.
Rev. William Burk said:Note: Anna "locked" my Logos account today for some reason and you need to unlock it so I can try to download the ebooks again.
I'm in the dev department and I don't have the authority to unlock your account, but I'll pass your request back to Anna. Please do *not* download all of your resources until we've implemented a solution. I apologize for the inconvenience.
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Can you open one of the apps that crashed and navigate to the Help menu, then tap Send Support Info? This will send us information about the crash. In addition to the default "" email address, can you add kgb99a (at) gmail (dot) com? I'll get it faster that way.