Android and SD Card

OK, not everyone haws perfect reception not unlimited Data to use the resources via Mobil Network. In fact in my Church, I have NO BARS at all from Verizon and No AT&T even on the outside... So my LOGOS is almost useless for Church, Sunday School and Bible study... Seems not everyone has unlimited data on their Cell Phones either.. I tried to find out how to move my resources over to my SD car. i only found a post stating their "NO BRAINER" idea but no followup is listed. Has this been ADDRESSED??? Do we pay for Books which can not be downloaded to the average phone without using all internal memory? Or am I the o Brainer and have simply not found the solution? Thanks.. Jeff
Which version of Android are you using. The short answer is you can move the entire Logos app and all resources to the Sd card via storage. The books are stored on the Sd card by default in 4.0 and higher to the best of my knowledge.
Mission: To serve God as He desires.
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The issue as I understand it is that on most Android devices SD Card is emulated on the internal memory and external SD cards are addressed differently.
What most people want is to be able to move resources to the external SD Card if it is installed.
God Bless
Pastor - NTCOG Basingstoke
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If your device is running Android 4.4, then you won't be able to write to your external SD card at all. For some reason Google locked out third party apps from being able to write to the card. Supposedly this is fixed with 5.0, but I don't have that yet. It would be nice if Logos would give us the option to save downloaded resources to our external card, though, especially since that limitation will soon affect only a handful of devices.
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Actually, I just checked my Note 4 which is running Android 4.4.4, and one of my other bible apps has figured out how to write books onto my 64 GB external SD card. Maybe it's time for Logos to do the same.