Home screen: Today's Readings tap can cause crash

- Description – How were you using the app when the problem occurred.
Today's Readings of reading plan and devotionals: Launch app and wait for it to update status and show blue dot indicating today's readings to be done. In some cases (inconsistent), the app crashes when I tap on one of the readings (first time after launch and allowing update of status, not on subsequent launches for the same day.). Re-launch of app does not repeat the crash.
Second issue: Revised Common Lectionary does not advance automatically to readings for next Sunday but stays where it was last used. (Lectionaries should advance to show the readings for the next Sunday (if weekly).
- App Info – Which app you are using. (Bible, Biblia, Faithlife Study Bible, Noet, Verbum or Vyrso)
Verbum, version 4.4.6 (Build 347) - Device Info – (Nexus 7, Motorola Triumph, Droid Bionic, Kindle Fire (1st gen))
Nexus 7 - Android Version – (4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 5.0)
Android 5.0.1 (Build LRX22C)
Anyone else experiencing these crashes when trying to go to one of Today's Readings ?
Update: Tap causes the app to minimize and occurs for two of six resources listed in Today's Readings.
Resources affected are:
- A Year with Pope Francis: Daily Reflections from His Writings
- Connect the Testaments: A One-Year Daily devotional with Bible Reading Plan
The above resources are 3rd and 6th in my list of six.
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Are you positive that you are running Verbum 4.4.6, or are you still using 4.3.9? The version number of the app is shown under the Help menu.
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Hi Kevin: Yes, Verbum 4.4.6, Build 347: the Help menu is where I always look for the build number when reporting problems.
"Technically" the app did not "crash", just minimized and had to be restored not relaunched: that is the app was no longer the active screen and the tap on the reading had the same impact as tapping the button at bottom centre to bring up the Android home screen. This does NOT happen everytime I use the app, but only if I wait for the reading status to update before trying to open a reading from the home screen (Which often means the previous day I was using my Nexus 5 phone or desktop system rather than the Tablet, hence I wait for the status check to update to current date to avoid showing I am behind in the Reading Plan. Always "better" from the developer's viewpoint when these things are easily repeatable following a simple formula. While it has happened more than once over the past week or two it does not happen every time so will be a little more illusive to be able to give you the steps to repeat it....
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Hi Kevin:
This issue persists with latest updates on my Nexus 7 but seems resolved for my Nexus 5:
Issue: Verbum app appears to crash (found minimized) when tap on a devotional to open and read it.
On my Home screen I have the following as Today's Readings:
- Unofficial Lenten Grace Reading Plan
- Road to Redemption Reading Plan
- Drawing Near
- Daily Reader for Contemplative Living
- A Year with Pope Francis
- Revised Common Lectionary
- Co-Workers for the Truth
- Connect the Testaments
- Verse of the Day graphic
If I open and read the Lenten Grace Reading then open and read the Daily Reader for Contemplative Living the app minimizes when I tap on A Year with Pope Francis. If I re-launch Verbum and tap on A Year with Pope Francis I can open and read the passage. If I next open and read Co-Workers for the Truth and then again tap on A Year with Pope Francis, the app again minimizes. The repeatable sequence seems to be tap on title, minimizes app, re-launch and tap again on title able to open and read, move to another title that one opens for reading, again try to open A Year with Pope Francis and app crashes again, re-launch and allows open and read... repeatable.
Both the Nexus 5 and Nexus 7 had the above problem until the latest release yesterday. Both are now running Verbum 4.5.0 (Build 419)
The only difference, which seems to have resolved the issue for the Nexus 5, is that the Nexus 5 is running Android 5.1, but the Nexus 7 does not yet have the option to download and install that O/S upgrade and is running Android 5.0.2
It is not obvious whether the Nexus 7 and similar discontinued tablets will be ever given the option to upgrade to Android 5.1
Given the history, this might have been an issue introduced with Android 5.0.1