Most recent Faithlife group joined should be listed on top rather than oldest to newest as is presen

Rosie Perera
Rosie Perera Member Posts: 26,202 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

When I go to my Faithlife home page, to get to the group I most recently joined, which I'm most actively engaging with these days (Read Calvin's Institutes in 2015), it takes too long to get to that group.

First I see only a limited list of my groups on the left, sorted alphabetically, which is fine with me:

Then I click on "18 more groups >>" to see the rest of my groups. But once again I only see a few and have to scroll down and wait for "Loading..." to see the rest of them. This is not great.

After the rest of my groups finish loading (which takes about 5 seconds), I scroll down further to finally find my most recently joined group as the very last one:

To have to go through this every time I go back to my Faithlife page is a pain. Even if I go to another page and then click Back in my browser, the "loaded" remaining groups were not cached and I have to wait for them to load yet again.

I would expect that my most recently joined group would be listed at the top. I've got a lot of old dead clutter in my groups list and should probably get out of some of them that are no longer active. But that's beside the point. Faithlife should organize the groups in either Most Recently Joined or Most Recently Visited order, not the current way where the most recent one is at the bottom and you have to wait to load it into the visible list.

