Add denomination to options?

Can I (or somebody) add a denomination to the Faithlife options? I wanted to create a group for my congregation (experimental, I'm probably the only person with a membership, but it could be great for the younger folks. However our denomination (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America) isn't listed, and "Lutheranism" covers an astonishingly large swath of beliefs. As the ELCA is the biggest Lutheran denomination in the US (and the seventh largest denomination in the US, I believe) it would be beneficial to add it to your options for stuff like this.
Is this something I can do or does it have to be done by someone in charge?
Still waiting to hear.
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Hi, Pastor Kay,
This input field will accept any text you put in the text box. The suggestions below are helpers to keep data consistent. However, if you don't see the option you'd like, simply type your preferred value and save.
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