EveryDay Bible App Crashes Galaxy Note 3 & 4 Phones

EveryDay Bible App Crashes Galaxy Note 3 & 4 Phones
Your Eveyday Bible App caused both my Galaxy Note 4 and my wife’s Galaxy Note 3 to stop working. We could not make phone calls or use our phones for anything. They both became SOFT BRICKS. I called T-Mobile and Samsung Tech Support and they determined that it was an App Causing all of the trouble. They had me uninstall the apps one at a time from the last app installed. I started with the EveryDay Bible App first as it was the last app installed and my phones both started working again.
I had the EveryDay Bible reminder enabled on my phone but I don’t think that I had it enabled on my wife’s phone.
May God very richly bless and keep you and yours in all things pertaining to Life. Health, Joy and Prosperity in all things forever. In JESUS Name AMEN!
Pastor Wayne C Wilson