Highlighting not showing up in other bibles

I like the new notes tool but I'm having an issue where the highlights in my preferred bible are not showing up in other bibles even with the Notes and Highlights visual filter turned on and all the sub-selections checked. The highlight has an anchor point in the preferred bible but not in others. Short of adding anchor points for all my bibles, how do I get the highlighting on other bibles?
Logos 8, Mac and Web.
Corresponding highlights have not yet been implemented in the new system, but it's on the short list of things to get added.
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By the way, you can see this list of "Upcoming Features" towards to bottom of this page: https://www.logos.com/faq/notes
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OK, thanks, what happens if I remove the anchor?
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William McFarland said:
what happens if I remove the anchor?
Assuming you're removing the last (or only) anchor... If you have any content in the note, it will become a standalone note. If it's only a highlight (without any content), you are essentially removing the annotation from the resource and the highlight will be deleted.
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Got it, thanks for the information.
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