Passage Guide Categories Default to Opening

With Logos 7 when viewing the Passage Guide, I had the categories defaulting to being closed versus watching Commentaries, Journals, Parallel Passages, Cross References, etc. automatically opening and cranking away. I thought if I just minimized the arrow/window they wouldn't open up the next time I launched the Passage Guide. I do this but they all open and crank away again. Can someone remind me how to have the Passage Guide default to having categories closed? Or is this a Logos 8 "opportunity area?" Thanks!
Would help to know your OS, because my settings are remembered on Windows (2xCommentaries, 2xCollections, Cross-References, Parallel Passages, Cultural Concepts). Mine is a tailored "My Passage Guide" from L7, but carried over as "Passage Guide" to L8. If you want another tailored guide in L8 you use the New button at bottom right of the Guides menu.
1. What is your OS?
2. Does the issue occur when you close and re-open in the same session, or only after a restart of Logos?
3. Is your PG part of a layout?
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Hi Steve,
It is a bug that has been reported. To fix this if you simply open the guide, collapse all sections and then move one section up or down by dragging it, then close and reopen and it should default to the last time you opened it. This fix has worked for several others.
Let me know if it works for you as well.