Home Page Issue - QuickStart Videos Not Prominently Located

Simon’s Brother
Simon’s Brother Member Posts: 6,822 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Quickstart Videos are an important tool for new users and even more experienced users when the software has made had a major overhaul and used to be optionally placed in a prominent place on the homepage.

They now are no longer prominently placed and if you don't know they exist you are likely to completely miss them. i.e. a new user or an existing user who has no interest in the explore section for whatever reason.

Since the display boxes in the explore section are all different sizes it is hard to give a specific measurement but as an approximation I had to scroll down 15 rows worth of the smaller size boxes to find where the quick start videos are on the home page. Next time when I restart the software it could quite possibly pushed even further down the explore section.

Yes I know I could add them to the shortcut bar but that still is not a real solution to the problem, rather a band-aid on a design choice that overlooked ease of accessibility of a feature that should be prominently placed on the home page particularly for new users but also for users new to the redesigned Logos 8. If Logos 8 was about making it easier for new users this is an oversight that needs to be addressed. Possibly it could be made into a card that a user can optionally add to the Dashboard section of the homepage a one possible solution to ensure it has a prominent place for those who want to have is easily accessible for a time period while they familiarise themselves with the new software.



  • Daniel Di Bartolo
    Daniel Di Bartolo Member, Logos Employee Posts: 326

    This is a good suggestion. We have a few ways to bubble up the Quickstart videos higher into the Explore feed-- but you're absolutely right that there are scenarios where the Quickstart card gets pushed down. 

    We're going to address this in a couple of ways: 

    • We'll continue to tune how cards show up in the Explore section, so as to show the most helpful content at the top. For new users, this obviously means video content/onboaring helps
    • We're revamping the installation/onboarding experience and hope to address it there as well. 

    I would be curious to get your thoughts on the Dashboard section. We've taken the philosophical approach that the Dashboard section is "yours"-- in that we don't curate any content there on your behalf. Sure-- we add cards there automatically if you start a reading plan, course, or workflow-- but other than that it's yours to configure how you want. 

    Do you think we should "seed" the Dashboard section with certain types of content (like vides)?

  • Simon’s Brother
    Simon’s Brother Member Posts: 6,822 ✭✭✭

    Do you think we should "seed" the Dashboard section with certain types of content (like vides)?

    Daniel, I think on first use of the program it would be useful to  "seed" the Dashboard with material's like quick start videos, link to FAQ's, Logos Wiki , an online guide written guide to setting up Logos - some users prefer text rather than video's, things that assist users in getting started with the program would be useful. The should of course be easily removeable but also easy to add back if a user wanted to put them back again on the dashboard.

    Ultimately the dashboard should be the user's space but a small incursion on first use I think would be valuable.