Double the Power of Workflows

If the following can already be done I would love someone to tell me how. Maybe it is planned for the future? If not, then this can be considered a suggestion.(I know how to do this using guides, the idea is to be able to use workflows to accomplish the same.)
I know that the following can be very complex, just think about it for a moment, it is actually very uncomplicated.
- Nested Workflows and/or
- Workflow kinds that can be filtered to a Reference
Nested Workflow Sample
Nested Workflow 1: A) a Workflow of kind Bible Reference can contain a Workflow of kind Bible Word where the available lemmas of B are restricted to those in Reference of A. (Or, just a Workflow that can filter to a Passage)
Nested Workflow 2: A) a General Word Study Workflow that contain a Nested Workflow 1 will then provide a Section for a specific Word Study of the Parents lemma and Notes will be generated accordingly. (Or, just a Workflow that can filter to a Passage)
Three Levels of Nesting
The reason it must be only three levels deep is because the Notes Document only contain a Note Book, a Note and the Note Data. The Note generation options for such a Nested Workflow can be rather complex. But, I'm sure Faithlife's programmers will be capable of figuring this out. The following image will hopefully clarify one possible end result.
A less complex implementation would be to only put the possibility on Workflows to be able to filter to a Passage. This would take away the need to be able to nest workflows because a word study workflow for example can then be restricted to a passage. The more complex implementation is preferable because it enables the designer of a workflow to also design a complex Note Generation structure from a Workflow that correspond to the amount of levels in a Note Document.
Purpose of both complex and less complex methods
Some Workflows, like those of kind Bible Word, only assist in general study not focused study methods. A general approach is rather complex for anyone new to Bible Study. A Workflow can only help a user by telling them within a Textbox Control how to do more focused research. The following image will clarify the difference between a general word study (left) and a specific word study (right) focused on Philippians.
General Rule
The General rule to understand any complex problem is to simplify it into several smaller problems. Currently some Workflows doesn't simplify the complexity of Bible Study. If any workflow can drill down to the most simplest level it would be assisting a user to get insight into the most complex context.
If this sounds very complex, simplify my reasoning and discover that only the option to be able to filter a Workflow to a specific Passage would be to simplify the complexity of Bible Study.
I like this idea. Also, if I could add a couple of things to this:
1) It would really be nice to have spellcheck as part of the workflows. (I mentioned this in another thread)
2) I would love it if the workflow would include the passage that is being studied (without creating a note)
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Nice idea, well presented.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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After thinking through this whole concept again - If a Workflow can do two things it would solve all headaches:
- Filter to a Passage and
- Select a Destination Notebook (the same as a Highlighter)
This would solve the broad and focused study problem and provide the capability to customize the structure for Note Generation of a workflow. It will bypass the complexity of nested workflows and is much easier to understand and implement.