Best way to open a regularly used guide with a keyboard shortcut?

Is there any built in way to launch a guide in logos via the keyboard? So far the best way I've found is to add it to favorites and use Cmd+1, etc if I can remember which ones are which. However, is there any other way to select and open a. guide via the keyboard?
Not that I know but you can drag a layout to the taskbar.
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[Y] Good call Francis. [:)]
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
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I use Keyboard Maestro (Mac) to do this. I open the guide I want and use the Copy Location As... command. Then create a Keyboard Maestro macro that uses the action Open a URL - and paste the location in. Assign a keyboard short cut and its ready to go.
2015 13" MacBook Pro - 2 Ghz Intel i7 - 16 GB RAM - 500GB SSD - 2018 iMac Pro - 3.2GHz 8-core Xeon - both systems running OS 10.14.3 (Mojave)
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Keyboard shortcuts are listed in the help file here (for Windows, Mac is the previous section).
It has Alt + A to open/close layouts but it does not work for me. Can anyone else confirm whether it works or doesn't for them?
If it worked, you could then 1. Open 2. Start typing your layout name 3. Use the down arrow to go to it and press enter.
If others find it does not work, then we will need to let FL know so they can fix it.
Alt + D activates the command box (command box strings are also in the help file here). Then type load layout layout name to open it. The drawback compared to the option above is that you have to remember the names of each layout (the command box will NOT suggest close matches) and this seems to be no advantage over your use of favourites as a solution.
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Francis said:
It has Alt + A to open/close layouts but it does not work for me. Can anyone else confirm whether it works or doesn't for them?
It's not currently working - it has been recognised by Faithlife as per
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Thanks, Graham. Asked for an update in that thread since a case was file back in January.
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Michael Hite said:
I use Keyboard Maestro (Mac) to do this. I open the guide I want and use the Copy Location As... command. Then create a Keyboard Maestro macro that uses the action Open a URL - and paste the location in. Assign a keyboard short cut and its ready to go.
That's a good idea--I can use Alfred to do a similar thing with custom commands. I already use Alfred to automate some Logos functions for me. I didn't think about the location as option.
I don't really use favorites in Logos, so I've also assigned different guides to favorites and so for that seems the best solution entirely within Logos.
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Michael Hite said:
Then create a Keyboard Maestro macro that uses the action Open a URL
Does this macro first open your web browser? Or does it open the guide directly in Logos? When I try it, it opens the online Logos App first which seems to be an unnecessary step for me.