copy and paste "important words" from passage guide

I know how to copy the important words from passage guide. Lets say I want to study them with my kids, where do I paste them so I can easily refer back to them or print them.
In other words, I tried pasting to clipboard but I couldn't. Is it possible? I also tried pasting them in notes. Is it possible and I am just doing it incorrectly?
Where would i Paste them?
Open the Important Words Guide from the Guides menu. Search the Passage you want. Click on the Panel Menu and Select Print/Export to open the print panel. (This can be done from any Guide or other Panel in Logos). Select the "Print as shown on screen" option at the left. I don't know of another way to do this. Use the options at the right to complete your print/export.
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I appreciate your response and now understand.
Thanks a ton!!
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Tamara you can also drag the Important Words 'tab' to the Favorites Tool for quick reference back to in the future.