Creating a Custom Reading Plan for the Summa Theologica

Some friends of mine and I would like to work our way through the Prima Pars of the Summa over the summer, but I seem to be unable to create a plan using Verbum 8.
The automatic "Generate a Reading Plan" will only do the whole Summa, which is too much.
The custom plan seems to require me to put in each question and each day one by one.
Is there an easier way to do this?
Until Faithlife auto tag resources based on the Table of Contents, creating a reading plan from a non-bible tagged resource is going to be hardwork.
I open the resource and the plan next to each other, then highlight the section I wish to add, then drag the tab at the top of the resource to the 'Drop a shortcut here' section in the custom plan, before choosing add session and repeating for the next session. That is as quick as I know how to do it.