Bible Word Study for phrase instead of individual words

Rev. Dr. Bill Curd
Rev. Dr. Bill Curd Member Posts: 8 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I often use Logos' Bible Word Study feature for individual words, including looking at frequency of occurrences.

Now, I need to do this for a phrase, e.g."Son of God" rather than an individual word. Could someone please advise how to do this?



  • Fred Chapman
    Fred Chapman Member Posts: 5,899 ✭✭✭

    The Bible Word Study tool is used for individual words. You could study each word in that phrase, but I am not sure that will provide what you are looking for. If I were studying a phrase like "Son of God", I would probably start with the FactBook. 

    Then (perhaps first, depending on my goal) I would search all Bible passage where that phrase occurs, and then study specific verses where that phrase occurs.

    You may also find good articles on this phrase in commentaries, theology resources, or other resources. To identify those articles in your library, do a basic search using the exact phrase and filtering the search to large text or heading text.

  • Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :)
    Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :) MVP Posts: 23,148

    Now, I need to do this for a phrase, e.g."Son of God" rather than an individual word. Could someone please advise how to do this?

    Logos can search for phrase(s) that could be saved as a Passage List

    "God's Son" OR "Son of God"

    Search Analysis of phrases counts by words (ranges from 2 to 5 per phrase)

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Rev. Dr. Bill Curd
    Rev. Dr. Bill Curd Member Posts: 8 ✭✭

    I answered my own question. While BWS is limited to a single word, it is indeed possible to easily generate statistics about the occurrences of phrases and combinations of phrases within Logos, and output column graphs, ...  This is what I needed.

    For me, the challenge was trying to do this from an intext search of NASB95, which has no graph icon.

    When I dragged the search icon into its own window and ran the same query against the NASB95, the results included a graph icon (little vertical bars, as in a bar chart). By clicking this it is trivial to generate statistics and bar graphs from the results, and for example normalize them per 1000 words in each book.

    So I could see which authors tended to use which some what interchangeable phrases.


  • Sean Boisen
    Sean Boisen Member, Logos Employee Posts: 1,452

    I often use Logos' Bible Word Study feature for individual words, including looking at frequency of occurrences.

    Now, I need to do this for a phrase, e.g."Son of God" rather than an individual word. Could someone please advise how to do this?

    Bible Word Study includes some phrases: you can find them by searching for an individual word (like "son") and then expanding the Phrases section. 

    The blue labels are hyperlinks to run a Bible search for that phrase, which should capture some variants that a literal search might not (see "sons of the east" for an example: it expands to "children of the east" OR "people of the east" OR "sons of the east"). There's also a brief definition of the phrase, and a link to matching Factbook or Topic Guide pages where available. It doesn't show frequency of occurrence, though running the Bible search will tell you how many hits there are, and you can refine the scope of the search from All Passages to something smaller if you want more selective counts (like a particular book).