Bible search for all verses where Moses prays/calls/speaks to God (Numbers/Deuteronomy)

Tried {Speaker <Person Moses>} (pray* OR call* OR said OR spoke)
But got back things like "The LORD spoke to Moses, saying … (Nu 5:1) (which makes no sense as God [not Moses] is the Speaker)
My interest began with:
"Let the LORD, the God of the spirits of all flesh, appoint a man over the congregation … (Nu 27:16)
This is the first place where Moses speaks to God in the Third Person "May the Lord" instead of in the 2nd person "Lord Please"...
The earlier point where Moses speaks to God in the Second Person is 11 Chapters earlier where he speaks angrily to God … "Do not [YOU] respect their offering …" (Nu 16:15)
The incident of Moses Striking the Rock is in Nu 20 … Moses speaks/prays calls (I guess like in 2nd person) in the interim. Just trying to reconstruct the conversation.
Rob Wilson said:
Tried {Speaker <Person Moses>} (pray* OR call* OR said OR spoke)
But got back things like "The LORD spoke to Moses, saying … (Nu 5:1) (which makes no sense as God [not Moses] is the Speaker)
You were probably doing a basic search rather than a Bible search. A basic search matches anywhere within the same chapter, not just the same verse.
Try: {Addressee <Person God>} INTERSECTS {Speaker <Person Moses>}
PS — You can get this syntax for yourself by clicking on Use search templates on the Bible search page.
This is my personal Faithlife account. On 1 March 2022, I started working for Faithlife, and have a new 'official' user account. Posts on this account shouldn't be taken as official Faithlife views!
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Sort of works ... Thanks!
Also looking for things like:
"Moses prayed to the LORD" (Num 11:2)
"Moses prayed for the people" [presumably the the Lord] (Num 21:7)
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Works ... {Addressee <Person God>} INTERSECTS {Speaker <Person Moses>} (pray* OR call* OR said OR spoke)
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Sort of works ...
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You can find Numbers 11:2 and 21:7 plus Exodus 10:18 and Deuteronomy 9:20 with a clause search for agent:moses sense:to pray. You do get a few false positives, though (occasions where Moses is asked to pray or says he will pray).
This is my personal Faithlife account. On 1 March 2022, I started working for Faithlife, and have a new 'official' user account. Posts on this account shouldn't be taken as official Faithlife views!
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Sorry ... I understand ... Needs LHI to search Hebrew for English result.
Thanks! I guess what I was trying to do can't be done
Bible Search {Addressee <Person God>} INTERSECTS {Speaker <Person Moses>} (pray* OR call* OR said OR spoke)
I though you could add "search words" after the Type of Search ...
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Rob Wilson said:
Tried. No English Bible choices (see Pic)
English Reverse Interlinear can highlight corresponding words from Hebrew Clause Search results
Rob Wilson said:Thanks! I guess what I was trying to do can't be done
Bible Search {Addressee <Person God>} INTERSECTS {Speaker <Person Moses>} (pray* OR call* OR said OR spoke)
Couple Bible search suggestions: converted (pray* OR call* OR said OR spoke) to senses, which includes sense children (quicker than wildcard search)
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Very Nice! Greatly appreciated!
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Is there a comprehensive list of <Sense> terms? Probably my only frustration with Logos is having to know what to call something in order to find it, but not being told what terms are indexed.
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Incidentally, I know about the Bible Sense Lexicon, but in order to see a term, you have to have a starting term. I'd love to see a Concordance-like listing of all the terms used in the Lexicon.
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Pastor Greg said:
Incidentally, I know about the Bible Sense Lexicon, but in order to see a term, you have to have a starting term. I'd love to see a Concordance-like listing of all the terms used in the Lexicon.
You can get a list of all the senses that are used in a Bible in the Bible Browser. You will have to press "more" lots of times, though!
Easier is to use the concordance tool:
You'll be able to export the resulting list to Excel if you wish.
The one limitation is that it won't include entries that aren't in the Bible you choose. There are some umbrella terms that have "child terms" in the Bible, but aren't actually in the Bible themselves. Those umbrella terms aren't listed in the concordance tool.
This is my personal Faithlife account. On 1 March 2022, I started working for Faithlife, and have a new 'official' user account. Posts on this account shouldn't be taken as official Faithlife views!
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Pastor Greg said:
Incidentally, I know about the Bible Sense Lexicon, but in order to see a term, you have to have a starting term. I'd love to see a Concordance-like listing of all the terms used in the Lexicon.
In the Bible Sense Lexicon, you can enter a term in the box at the top. "entity" is the root of the noun tree, and "to act" is the root of the verb tree. From there, you can click the terms in the display on the right side to expand and view the children in order to explore the entire tree.
Andrew Batishko | Logos software developer
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Excellent Information! Thanks!
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Excellent Information! Thanks!
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Hi Rob.
If you have the "Speaking to God" dataset (and interactive), then you can locate all of the places where "Moses" speaks with God with a search like:
{Label Speech} INTERSECTS {Speaker <Person Moses>}
If you are specifically looking for prayer of Moses to God, you can search for speech with the mode of "prayer":
{Label Speech WHERE Mode = "Prayer"} INTERSECTS {Speaker <Person Moses>}
Alternately, you could use the interactive and select "Moses" as the speaker and "Prayer" as the mode.
Hope it helps.
Rick Brannan
Data Wrangler, Faithlife
My books in print0 -
Also, the different modes and types and contexts tagged by the data set are documented in the interactive's "About" pane. Not optimal, but that's where it is for now. Here's list for easy reference; these can be used in the "Label" portion of the search (like: "{Label Speech WHERE Context = "Theophanic" AND Content = "Petition"}):
- Type: The type of speech
- Monologue: Involving a speaker and a hearer
- Dialogue: Involving speakers in turn
- Soliloquy: Involving only a speaker
- Context: The context of the speech
- Communal: Public expression not categorized as liturgical
- Incarnational: Special subset of theophany for Jesus' time on earth
- Literary: Speech “to” God used as a literary or rhetorical device
- Prophetic: Oracular experiences not categorized as visions
- Ritual: Part of a ritual, cultic, or other religious exercise
- Solitary: Personal prayer or music expressed in private
- Theophanic: A dialog with a manifested presence of God
- Visionary: A visionary or dream dialogue with God
- Other: Not otherwise categorized
- Distance: The physical proximity of the speaker and hearer
- Abstract: Hypothetical speech or soliloquy
- Local: The hearer is present with the speaker
- Remote: The hearer is not present with the speaker
- Mode: The mode of speech
- Address: Spoken monologue to a passive audience
- Conversation: Give and take between multiple dialogue participants
- Meditation: Introspection or reflection
- Music: Sung monologue sometimes involving instruments
- Prayer: A remote spoken dialogue directed to God
- Content: The content of the speech
- Affirmation: Expression of agreement, especially “amen”
- Blessing: Uses the formula “bless/blessed”
- Complaint: Report of a specific grievance
- Confession: Confession of faith; the speech act portion of salvation
- Consecration: A kind of oath where one is set apart for divine service
- Curse: Uses the formula “curse/cursed”
- Imprecation: Request for justice or vengeance to come down on another
- Intercession: Request on behalf of another
- Lament: Expressing negative emotion
- Oath: A promise, vow, covenant, or other swearing
- Petition: Request for a specific consideration for oneself
- Praise: Ascribing glory, adoration, worship, or recounting good deeds
- Query: Request for information or direction
- Repentance: Confession of sin; the speech act portion of repentance
- Response: The rejoinder to a question or call
- Thanksgiving: An expression of gratitude
Rick Brannan
Data Wrangler, Faithlife
My books in print0 - Type: The type of speech
Most Excellent!
OK ... I'll bite ... You wrote: "the different modes and types and contexts tagged by the data set are documented in the interactive's "About" pane"
I'm guessing this is "Search" (interactive?) ... No idea where the "About Pane" is ...
Where's the "About Pane" ?
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Rob Wilson said:
OK ... I'll bite ... You wrote: "the different modes and types and contexts tagged by the data set are documented in the interactive's "About" pane"
I'm guessing this is "Search" (interactive?) ... No idea where the "About Pane" is ...
Hi Rob.
This assumes that you have a license to the "Speaking to God" Interactive, which allows faceted browsing of all interactions with God as addressee, and its associated dataset.
Rick Brannan
Data Wrangler, Faithlife
My books in print0