Clause Search - Search for instances where the agent is not God

I can search for all occurrences where, for example, God is the agent and the verb-lemma is "bara'".
Now, how can I search for occurrences where the verb-lemma is "bara'" but the agent IS NOT God? The agent can be anyone or anything.
I have tried this:
agent:ANY verb-lemma:ברא.1 ANDNOT agent:God verb-lemma:ברא.1
But apparently this is not retrieving the right result.
Youtube: AprendaLogos
Nielsen Tomazini said:
I have tried this:
agent:ANY verb-lemma:ברא.1 ANDNOT agent:God verb-lemma:ברא.1Try verb-lemma:ברא.1 ANDNOT agent:God
This may indicate where an Agent is not assigned as much as an Agent whose name is other than God. Compare results with
agent:ANY verb-lemma:ברא.1 ANDNOT agent:God
This would indicate that Is 45.8 should have God as Agent.
Also compare with Clause Participants in a Word Study on bara; where the only Agent is God.
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