Jump to active reference

After opening an article in a Greek or Hebrew lexicon or word study book from the lemma from the context menu, is there a way to jump to the Bible reference from which I opened the reference book?
I know that the Visual Filter Emphasize Active Reference highlights the Bible verse in red.
But for a long article, such as in the Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, that can mean browsing through dozens of pages to find the highlighted reference.
Suggestion: If this feature does not exist, it would be very useful to add this option to the Arrows. At the present time, the arrows allow you to jump to the next/previous Article or Annotation.
Harry Hahne said:
But for a long article, such as in the Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, that can mean browsing through dozens of pages to find the highlighted reference.
You may first have to jump to the primary article before scrolling e.g. for ἀπιστία, and there may be no highlighted reference!
Harry Hahne said:Suggestion: If this feature does not exist, it would be very useful to add this option to the Arrows. At the present time, the arrows allow you to jump to the next/previous Article or Annotation.
You can use the down Arrow to find the article on NT Usage for the group that includes ἀπιστία (in TDNT). Finding δικαιόω is very different, as the articles are organised by each lemma within the group.
If it was possible to search for the active reference with the Arrow keys, there would be no certainty that it relates to the lemma in question (in TDNT).
In TDNT, I'm tempted to use an Inline Search for the reference e.g. <Ro 3.3>.
===Windows 11 & Android 13