Bibliography creation from book footnotes

I have Logos 8 for Windows.
I want to create a bibliography list from the footnotes in a chosen book. Using only the initial footnote would be nice. (i.e. skip the Ibid. footnotes and other short forms)
Is this possible? I haven't figured out a way as of yet.
Thanks in advance.
Mark said:
I want to create a bibliography list from the footnotes in a chosen book. (...) Is this possible?
Yes, it is. You would open the book and use Tools/Concordance on that book, then have the works cited displayed and from the menu in the top right choose Print/Export and export to Excel. This will generate an xml file you can open with your chosen spreadsheet application (possibly even others, such as citation managers)
Every book / article cited will appear once in the bibliography.
Have joy in the Lord!
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Thanks so much.
This is exactly what I needed Logos to do. [H]