Bug? Read aloud jumping a chapter

This year I've been reading the NT in Greek at the same time as listening to the Greek in the NA28 using the read aloud feature. Over the year so far I've noticed that, sometimes in my reading, the read aloud would jump an entire chapter and it was confirmed again today. My reading took me to the end of Luke 15 yesterday and when I pressed "Ctrl L" from there it jumped to the beginning of chapter 17 and not the beginning of chapter 16. It only seems to happen at the end of a chapter but I think this has happened a dozen or so times.
Has anyone else experienced this type of behavior with the read aloud tool?
Using adventure and community to challenge young people to continually say "yes" to God
Just bumping this as the same behavior happened again this morning. It was seems to happen at the end of the chapter. As one chapter finishes the reader skips the next chapter and starts as verse one of the next chapter. It is quite annoying.
Using adventure and community to challenge young people to continually say "yes" to God
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Bump. Would a Faithlife employee please acknowledge this bug. This annoying behaviour continues to happen to me.
Using adventure and community to challenge young people to continually say "yes" to God