Upgrade pricing mysteries

I upgraded to the new Messianic Starter at a great price. Before I did so, my Pentecostal/Charismatic Starter upgrade price was $17.42.
The Life Application NT Commentary is common to both. So when I checked the P/C starter price now, I expected it to drop, but it's gone UP, to $20.27. Very strange indeed. The other starter upgrade prices that I looked at (Anglican and Reformed) have also increased by a few dollars.
I think there was a L8 sale going on in the last months - maybe this has ended just now, which would explain what you are seeing.
Have joy in the Lord!
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It all happened within a few minutes today, so there must be some other reason - or not [:)]
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Was the Messianic Starter your first L8 Base package? If so, there may have been a 'first-time upgrade' discount that got used up. Not sure if that's the case, but it does sound like there was some discount that was being applied earlier.
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No I upgraded to two Logos 8 packages already!