Can Persoanl Books Be Deleted Once Uploaded?

I use personal books to import study material into Logos..usually converted a PDF file to docx
This conversion does not work perfect but it is better than nothing..I do not share any of my personal books....
I always look if the item is available for purchase in Logos first..
I am asking if it is possible to delete a personal book after I already uploaded it?
Thanks for your help
If you have uploaded it to the FL server, then it will remain there. Even if you delete it from your local library, when you log back in, logos will download the PB again.
If you have uploaded PB's you no longer want to see, you can use the hidden resources feature in program settings.
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Thanks for your quick reply...I do know how to make resources hidden
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So I only only way to delete it is to recompile an empty resource and upload it again?
Never Deprive Anyone of Hope.. It Might Be ALL They Have
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DominicM said:
So I only only way to delete it is to recompile an empty resource and upload it again?