Copying the list of subjects for a resource

When I am in the Library browser, I can display the Subjects field in the Details view. I can see the list of subjects if I hover over this field in a resource.
I would like to be able to do more with these subjects. I would like to be able copy the text of these subjects. This would make it easier to create collections or find other resources with the same subject in the Library browser.
It would also be great if there were a way to click on one of the subjects in the popup window to view other resources in the library with the same subject. This is how most online library catalogs work.
I expected the list of Subjects to be in the Information window for the resource. If the subjects were listed in the Information window there and there were a Copy link (as there is for the citation), I could more easily use one of these subjects to create a Collection.
Also, I notice that Subject filter in the Library browser is very brief compared to the contents of the Subjects field. For example, Philip W. Comfort, New Testament Text and Translation Commentary lists the following subjects, which appear to be Library of Congress subjects:
Bible. N.T.--Manuscripts
Bible. N.T.--Criticism, textual
Bible. N.T.--Translating
Bible. N.T.--Commentaries
By contrast the filter when I select this book only lists "Bible N.T.", which is similar to a first level of Library of Congress subjects for this book, but it lacks the period after "Bible". There is nothing in the Subjects filter about textual criticism, which is what the book is about.
I don't know if the simplified list of subjects is hand created for each book or if is is supposed to be a simplified version of the first level Library of Congress subjects. But it would be more useful if it were more refined.
The filter handles each level independently. If you select the "Bible N.T." option, then you will see "Manuscripts", "Criticism, textual", "Translating", "Commentaries" as the available option.
Andrew Batishko | Logos software developer
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The filter handles each level independently. If you select the "Bible N.T." option, then you will see "Manuscripts", "Criticism, textual", "Translating", "Commentaries" as the available option.
Thanks for that information.
That is good to know, but it is not clear that this is how it works. The filter puts a comma between the various subject levels. This looks like an OR search rather than a single combined subject.
Is the combination of the various levels of subjects select with the filter the same as the Library of Congress subjects? Experimenting with a few examples suggests that it is, except that the punctuation may be different (e.g. no dash or period between levels). For example, the filter creates "Bible N.T., Manuscripts, Greek", rather than "Bible. N.T.--Manuscripts, Greek".
It might be clearer what is happening if selecting several subject options with the filter created a multi-level subject that is the same as the Library of Congress subject for the resources.
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Harry Hahne said:
The filter puts a comma between the various subject levels.
The string that is displayed to the user is the not what is used to execute the search.
Under the hood it is searching for resources with the selected terms at the specific levels where they are selected.
Andrew Batishko | Logos software developer
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Harry Hahne said:
Is the combination of the various levels of subjects select with the filter the same as the Library of Congress subjects? Experimenting with a few examples suggests that it is, except that the punctuation may be different (e.g. no dash or period between levels). For example, the filter creates "Bible N.T., Manuscripts, Greek", rather than "Bible. N.T.--Manuscripts, Greek".
For delineating levels, "Bible. N.T.--Manuscripts, Greek" would be more consistent. But I would like to deselect on those levels e.g. "Subject:Bible. N.T. x Manuscripts, Greek", where you click the x to go back to Subject:Bible N.T..
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Dave Hooton said:
For delineating levels, "Bible. N.T.--Manuscripts, Greek" would be more consistent. But I would like to deselect on those levels e.g. "Subject:Bible. N.T. x Manuscripts, Greek", where you click the x to go back to Subject:Bible N.T..
I agree on both counts.