A Feature I would love to see... or if it is there already, discover it now :-D

When I do searches through the library, like journals, I usually get screens like this
In this instance I have 311 Resources listed. Going through them some immediately catches my eye for further reading, while some clearly has no bearing on my research.
I would love if I could simply right click on a resource that interests me an allocate it to a temporary collection (called for example "To Read" or something).
For example if I Right Click on the title of the Bulletin for Biblical Research Vol 27 I get the options to "Open Link" or "Open Link in New Tab" It would be great if there was an option "Send to Collection"
See here
That way I can quickly scan through the search results and end up with a list of only those that really interested me.
I hope I could express my need clearly. If there is already a way to do it, or something similar I would love any advice.
I found a type of workaround:
If you Open a Bibliography Document you can drag the resources to the bibliography. You can later double click the link to open the article. If you keep the search window open, the Search Highlighting still functions.
This works for searches for a Reference. I haven't tested it on a lot of other searches types, but it seems to work with most, if not all. You can also highlight a word in any resource and drag the highlighted word to the Bibliography and it will be added.
If you drag the Title of the article to the Bibliography, you get a link to the start of the article - Green Arrow
If you drag the highlighted search term, you get a link to that spot in the article - Red ArrowYou can save this as a Collection via the Bibliography Tool Menu options, but this works better for my needs since I can save a specific spot in a resource.
This works quite well and I hope it might be helpful to others
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Sarel Slabbert said:
You can later double click the link to open the article. If you keep the search window open, the Search Highlighting still functions.
If search is closed, you will get a Visual Cue (a circle that flashes for a few seconds) over the result --> Program Settings > Show Visual Cues = YES.
This also applies to a selected word/phrase that is dragged from a resource.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Dave Hooton said:Sarel Slabbert said:
You can later double click the link to open the article. If you keep the search window open, the Search Highlighting still functions.
If search is closed, you will get a Visual Cue (a circle that flashes for a few seconds) over the result --> Program Settings > Show Visual Cues = YES.
This also applies to a selected word/phrase that is dragged from a resource.
Thank you Dave. Yes I am already aware of that. I actually wished I knew about this earlier. It would have made a great difference in some of the research I already did :-D
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I wish we could drag resources from a tab or a search result into the "Plus these resources" section of an open Collections tab. That would have been the natural solution I'd have suggested to your dilemma. But we can't. It thinks you're trying to drop it as a new tab in that location. The only place you can drag resources from into a collection is the Library.
Hey, Faithlife, take note of this as a suggested feature.
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Rosie Perera said:
I wish we could drag resources from a tab or a search result into the "Plus these resources" section of an open Collections tab. That would have been the natural solution I'd have suggested to your dilemma. But we can't. It thinks you're trying to drop it as a new tab in that location. The only place you can drag resources from into a collection is the Library.
Hey, Faithlife, take note of this as a suggested feature.
Yeah, that would be a great feature. Ironically the workaround I gave above works even better than I initially thought. And it is possible to easily turn a Bibliography into a collection.
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There is a more laborious work around:
Make a folder in Favorites and name it "to read".
When you find the interesting articles, open that resource and drag it to the folder you created in favorites.
The good part is that next time you click in the article inside your created folder, it will open to the exact place you want.
Now if what you find seems to be real important, you could always copy / paste to word, and eventually do a Personal Book, so you will have access to it, the advantage is that you can place your own comments, and cross references, and then will be fully searchable.
Hope this helps.
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Great suggestion! It would be great to right-click on any search result and select:
- Add a Tag
- Add to Favorites
- Add to Bibliography
- Add to Collection
- Or simply Add a Star