Zondervan's seminary in a box...

Hi power users:
There is a Zondervan's seminary in a box bundle in other platforms. It contains 4 resources:
- Christian Beliefs by Wayne Grudem (edited by Elliott Grudem)
- Journey into God’s Word by J. Scott Duvall and J. Daniel Hays
- Introducing the Old Testament by Tremper Longman III
- Introducing the New Testament by D. A. Carson and Douglas J. Moo (edited by Andrew David Naselli)
Given the varied experiences that power users have, I would like to know what would be your version of a Seminary in a box.
You can add resources, make a brand new list, or take some out and replace them, as you wish.
Just remember that the Portable Seminary book (not available in L8) deals with:
Surveys OT n NT missions
Systematic theology ethics
Biblical langauages Christian education
Church history other subjects
Also remember John Fallahee's important topics:
- Baptism
- Biblical Counseling
- Calvinism vs. Arminianism (Sovereignity of God, Foreknowledge)
- Christ (God-Man)
- Elders/Deacons
- Eternal Security
- Extent of the Atonement
- Genesis (Young Earth, Old Earth, Evolution)
- Gifts (including the tongue)
- Gospel: What is the message and for who?
- Homosexuality
- Inerrancy of the Bible
- Lord’s Supper
- Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage
- Rapture & Millennium
- Role of Repentance in Salvation
- Tithing/Giving
- True Christianity
- Unbelievers & Hell
- Women in Ministry
Thanks ahead of time for sharing your mind on this.
Another view of the required topics from https://stas.org/en/seminary-life/study/academic-program:
Year of Humanities Introduction to Philosophy 2h Introduction to Humanities 3h Acts of the Magesterium I 2h Latin I 5h Writing 2h Chant 3h Music History 1h Bible History 1h Total 19h
Year of Spirituality Introduction to Sacred Scripture 2h Ascetical & Mystical Theology 5h Liturgy 2h Acts of the Magisterium II 2h Latin II 4h Liturgical Chant 2h Total 17h
First Philosophy Exegetical Study of Sacred Scripture (Old Testament – Pentateuch) 2h Introduction to Philosophy and Cosmology 3h Psychology 3h Fundamental Theology: de Ecclesia 3h History of the Church: Christian Antiquity 2h Latin III 2h Liturgical Chant 1h Liturgy 1h Total 17h
Second Philosophy Exegetical study of Sacred Scripture (Psalms & Prophetical Books) 2h Philosophy: Metaphysics 5h Philosophy: Ethics 2h Fundamental Theology: de Ecclesia 3h History of the Church: Middle Ages 2h Liturgy 1h Total 16h
First Theology Exegetical study of Sacred Scripture (Gospels) 2h Dogmatic Theology: de Deo Uno et Trino, de Deo Creatore 6h Moral Theology: de Matrimonio, de Poenitentia 4h Canon Law: Normae Generales, De Personis (de clericis) 2h History of the Church: The Protestant Revolt 3h Liturgical Chant 2h Spanish 2h Total 21h
Second Theology Exegetical study of Sacred Scripture (St. Paul) 2h Dogmatic Theology: de Gratia, de Angelis, de Christo, Mariologia 6h Moral Theology: de Principiis Theologiae Moralis 4h Canon Law: de Religiosis, de Laicis, de Rebus (de Locis et Temporibus Sacris, de Cultu Divino) 2h History of the Church: The Age of Revolutions 3h Liturgical Chant 2h Spanish 2h Total 21h
Third Theology Exegetical study of Sacred Scripture (Catholic Epistles & Apocalypse) 2h Dogmatic Theology: de Sacramentis, de Novissimis 6h Moral Theology: de Justitia, de Prudentia, de Fortitudinis, de Temperentia 4h Canon Law: de Magisterio, de Beneficiis, de Bonis Temporalibus 2h Pastoral Theology 2h History of the Church: The 19th & 20th Centuries 2h Spanish 2h Patrology 1h Total Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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Excellent, thank you MJ.
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I started a blog series on a "portable M.Div" a while back. I finished blog posts on NT, OT, and Hermeneutics and this post has motivated me to finish what I started. The idea was to provide recommended resources for pastors/missionaries/educated lay people who want to go further, but for whom seminary isn't a realistic option. It was not designed with Logos solely in mind. The recommendations are also clearly coming from an American Evangelical Protestant perspective (sorry MJ as well as the majority of Christians out there). Beyond that, even though I try to focus on "core" Christianity, I am sure my own Wesleyan-Arminian tendencies to show up as well.
Background: I have been a pastor, missionary (Bible translator), trained pastors in Uganda and Kenya, I have an M.Div
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Thank you Paul for sharing the link.
If you can, check the following:
From my perspective pay attention to points 2.2, 2.6 and the related annex.
I would like to see a Systematic theology that also has Practical Christian living principles, truths, etc. because is not only about Hearing and studying the word of God and systematize it, but to put it in practice to help in expanding the kingdom and develop christian development and stewardship.
You could also check:
They seem to be able to train leaders for less than 1000 usd. I have not been able to find their curriculum.
Peace and grace.