Bitte helfen Sir mir

Ich habe die englischen Logos Version. I hätte gerne 2 Peter auf Deutsch von Lexham High Difinition new Testament ESV. Visual filters "propositional out lines so wie die andere auch am möglichsten. Besten Dank Gott segne euch.
Blessings in Christ.
Blessings in Christ.
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I don't understand your question. The ESV is English, not German.
Are you saying that you would like Faithlife to create a GERMAN version of the Lexham High Definition New Testament? If so, this is very unlikely.
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Sorry, I did not makeI it clear. What I mean is I need a copy of the visual filter in German of 2 Peter only.
Blessings in Christ.
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Thank you HJ. that's exactly what I am looking for. HI.Van der Wal. Exactly that's what I need . Could you please send me to my e-mail. tesfai5 A the epistle of 2 Peter? In case you need (my tel.num. (06980099550).
Blessings in Christ.
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