Rules for Collections

John Kaess
John Kaess Member Posts: 754 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I am trying to build a collection containing all of the resources i have in the Lexham Bible Guides and also all of the resources i have in the Exegetical Summaries.

The rule: title:Lexham Bible Guide - gives me all of the Lexham Bible Guide resources i have (17)

The rule: series:Lexham Bible Guide - gives me all of the Lexham Bible Guide resources i have plus an extra resource not in the series (18)

The rule: title:Exegetical Summary - gives me all the Exegetical Summary resources i have (34)

The rule: series:Exegetical Summaries - gives me all the Exegetical Summary resources i have (34)

I have tried the following rules to attempt to get both sets of resources. NONE of these rules works.

title:Exegetical Summary OR title:Lexham Bible Guide - gives me 2 of the Exegetical Summaries only

title:Lexham Bible Guide OR title:Exegetical Summary - gives me all 17 of Lexham Bible Guide only

series:Lexham Bible Guide OR series:Exegetical Summaries - gives me nothing

series:Exegetical Summaries OR series:Lexham Bible Guide - gives me 2 of the Exegetical Summaries only

series:(Lexham Bible Guide OR Exegetical Summaries) gives me nothing

I'd sure appreciate any help on this. I don't understand why the OR function isn't working as expected. Can anyone give me a rule that would help me on this?

