
Why is highlighting so slow? I select words and then hit the color I wish to highlight in. It then can take up to 3 to 4 minutes before the selected text is highlighted.
The platform is on a desktop.
I'm running windows 10
Now the delay is down to 5 seconds before the words I select turn to color I chose.
Is there a reason this is not faster? Or is this an expected delay?
There could be a number of factors that could contribute to the problem you describe. Logs and more detailed computer specs may help determine why you seeing this delay.
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SamK said:
It then can take up to 3 to 4 minutes before the selected text is highlighted.
SamK said:Now the delay is down to 5 seconds before the words I select turn to color I chose.
I don't understand the discrepancy you describe. Is it 5 seconds or 3-4 minutes?
I concur that we need more info. The techies will want to see logs. See my signature line. Screenshots might help. What specific version are you running? Are you using the new notes tool or the old one? Which specific version of Logos are you running?
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It seems to be related to the number of panels I have open. I just opened three panels and the speed it took to color the text after I selected the text and touched the highlight color was 2 seconds. With 16 panels open it took 5 seconds. With 30 panels open it took 12 seconds. I think over time, if I don't do any highlighting, and come back to it and start highlighting again, the time increases. I must have had many panels opened to get 4-5 minutes.
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Sam, panels shouldn't be a player? I have over 50 panels active, and about 160 tabs. A 10 year old portable. 3 seconds to display, about 6 seconds for the CPU to finish up.
"If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.
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SamK said:
It seems to be related to the number of panels I have open.
Provide details of your computer, especially if you have an SSD. How much free space vs. total space on the drive?
With 16 panels open, provide logs when you are highlighting. Provide another set of logs with 30 panels open.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Logos is running on a SSD with 115 GB of free space on a 238 GB drive. I'm not sure how to provide you with a set of logs. But I would like to know if there is any delay when you highlight on your computer? If so how much?
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SamK said:
I'm not sure how to provide you with a set of logs.
the words "provide logs" in his post are a hyperlink to take you to instructions. The same is true with the link in my signature line.
SamK said:But I would like to know if there is any delay when you highlight on your computer? If so how much?
Yes. Less than one second.
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SamK said:
It seems to be related to the number of panels I have open. I just opened three panels and the speed it took to color the text after I selected the text and touched the highlight color was 2 seconds. With 16 panels open it took 5 seconds. With 30 panels open it took 12 seconds. I think over time, if I don't do any highlighting, and come back to it and start highlighting again, the time increases. I must have had many panels opened to get 4-5 minutes.
I would also want to know things like:
- Were the panels linked to one another?
- Did you have "corresponding notes" selected?
- What would happen if you opened 30 never-been-read monographs and tried highlighting in a never-been-highlighted resource.
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
No, the panels are not linked to one another.
Notes are only "1599 Geneva Bible Footnotes"
When 15 panels are open the times for selected text to be highlighted is: 16 seconds, 18 sec. and 17 sec.
For 30 Panels open the times were: 21 seconds, 22 sec, and 30 sec.
enclosed are logs:
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SamK said:
enclosed are logs:
These logs show you have a considerable number of notes, and there are performance problems with the Notes database and elsewhere. The logs should be examined by Customer Support (who can also log onto to your computer) for a proper diagnosis.
I notice that you open the resources manually. Why not have a Layout for them?
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Thanks for your response. I will contact Customer support. I guess I ought to try a layout for my resources. I have in the past but my problem is that my bible passages change so often it's hard to rely on a layout.
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SamK said:
I have in the past but my problem is that my bible passages change so often it's hard to rely on a layout.
You could discuss this in a new thread. Provide a screenshot with some (max. 10) of your resources and describe what you are trying to accomplish.
===Windows 11 & Android 13