SermonAudio guide not working

The SermonAudio guide will not list sermons. I have tried many bible references and nothing comes up.
Plain Joe said:
The SermonAudio guide will not list sermons. I have tried many bible references and nothing comes up.
Hi Plain Joe,
Thanks for reporting this. I am filing a case for this issue, so that it can be fixed in a future update.
Please accept my apologies for the inconvenience.
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Because this was reported awhile ago, and there still hasn't been a fix. I just wanted to "bump" the thread. It would be nice to have the link work in the passage guide once again.
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It would be great if it gets fixed soon.
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They rolled out a new API, and we just recently updated to use it. It should be fixed in an upcoming release.
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Working perfectly.
Thank you
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Hi Joe,
How did your sermonaudio begin to work? did you have to do something to get it working because mine is still not working?
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Ralph Gambardella said:
Hi Joe,
How did your sermonaudio begin to work? did you have to do something to get it working because mine is still not working?
Hey Ralph,
I know that your question was actually addressed to a different Joe, but I have a suggestion.
You should not have to do anything extra to get it working, other than keeping current with our latest updates.
Please click on Help (3 dots in vertical line in upper right corner), go to "About Logos Bible Software" and check if you have an option there for "Update Now". Or try entering "update now" (no quotation marks needed) in the Go bar in the upper left.
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Hi Ralph
If its me you are referring to no, personally I didn’t do anything. One day it wasn’t working, but the program said resources are ready and the next day it was working. I don’t know what happened, but If yours isn’t working I suspect you need these resources.
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Hi Joe,
Thank you for the Reply. I just had an update and it started to work. Perhaps I needed the resources you suggested for it to work.
Thank you all the same.
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Hi Joe,
Thank you there was an update that fixed the problem.