MacBook Pro gets very hot running Logos 8

Does anyone else have a problem with heat when using Logos 8? When I am using it my laptop gets so hot it's uncomfortable to have on my lap. The fan runs at full speed so there's the noise of it. This only happens with Logos 8. It never happens with any other software I use. Apple has checked my laptop and it has no issues which would cause the heat issue. Logos support says I am the only one with this problem.
Hi Tim
Apple laptops do run quite warm, and even hot especially when indexing etc.
If you are using your laptop on your lap then be very careful that your clothes do not restrict the air flow.
I usually find it better to stick it on a tray.
tootle pip
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The difference between the heat my laptop generates when running Logos 8 and any other program is light years apart. After my laptop has been sitting on my laptop stand having used Logos 8 it is quite uncomfortable to place on my lap. Your reply wasn't helpful but thanks for trying!
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I am convinced that Logos is among the most demanding pieces of software ever. All the more so when it needs to update and index and whenever you expect it to have mountains of windows and searches going. You didn't say what you have under the hood. If you don't have at least an i5 and 8GB RAM and 256GB SSD of recent vintage you are going to have a tough haul.
The mind of man is the mill of God, not to grind chaff, but wheat. Thomas Manton | Study hard, for the well is deep, and our brains are shallow. Richard Baxter
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The heat issue happens all the time, not just when indexing. My MacBook Pro is a 2.5 GHz core i7, 16GB, 1600 MHz DDR3, NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M.
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Tim Beerman said:
Does anyone else have a problem with heat when using Logos 8? When I am using it my laptop gets so hot it's uncomfortable to have on my lap. The fan runs at full speed so there's the noise of it. This only happens with Logos 8. It never happens with any other software I use. Apple has checked my laptop and it has no issues which would cause the heat issue. Logos support says I am the only one with this problem.
Hi Tim, what you are seeing is unusual. Your fans will run full speed while indexing, but they should not at any other time. Is it possible that Logos is stuck indexing?
What does the macOS Activity Monitor report concerning the CPU usage for Logos? Posting a screenshot (use the paperclip icon) of the Activity Monitor's CPU page with it filtered to just show "Logos" might be helpful.
Please post your logs (see my signature below). Perhaps they will reveal something about your issue.
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Tim, do you have Atlas open? Trying to remember if there are other things that fire up LogosCEF like that....
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Looks crazy out of control. I'll let someone suggest something, but my base hardware is similar and Logos is not even on 10% CPU.
The mind of man is the mill of God, not to grind chaff, but wheat. Thomas Manton | Study hard, for the well is deep, and our brains are shallow. Richard Baxter
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No. If I use the Atlas I come it when finished.
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Tim, a temporary workaround until this gets sorted might be to use the web version of Logos at
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Sorry, I close it when finished.
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That's what Logos Support suggested. I'd rather see them fix the issue.
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Tim, let's try a diagnostic step:
In Logos, close all windows and panels (click the square with an "x" at top right of the toolbar).
In Program Settings make sure that "At Startup Open to" is set to "Open recent..." or "Blank Layout"
Then quit Logos.
Shut down and restart your Macbook.
Restart Logos, remain on a blank layout.
What happens? Is it still using a lot of CPU (give it a few minutes first)?
If it is not using CPU, then gradually start adding your normal resources until it triggers a high CPU.
Either way, posting your logs as I suggested above would be helpful.
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Tim Beerman said:
That's what Logos Support suggested. I'd rather see them fix the issue.
Please post logs. Otherwise we can’t know what is happening on your computer
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
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Don't know how to do that.
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Thanks for the logs. Hopefully a full fledged techie (or FL) will be by soon. I do see some warnings repeated multiple times. I'll list some representative ones below.
A couple more things in the meantime:
1) Can you tell us what computer you are using? Specs?
2) Have you tried loading to a blank layout and working from scratch?
Logos Log Warnings said:2019-07-11 15:30:47.3962 | WARN | 1 | SQLite Profile | 1003ms in DocumentInfo.db for: COMMIT
2019-07-11 15:30:59.1786 | WARN | 1 | SQLite Profile | 1003ms in Sermon.db for: COMMIT[0711/] Failed to read DnsConfig.
2019-07-11 11:34:06.0289 | WARN | 1 | Sinai.Title | Couldn't find as Baggage in /Users/timbeerman/Library/Application Support/Logos4/Data/qtobwrn1.m8r/ResourceManager/Resources/ESV.logos4.
2019-07-11 11:34:06.0289 | WARN | 1 | Libronix.DigitalLibrary.Resources.Logos.LogosResource | Unable to open baggage atmacOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
Here's another log from my time in the Word this morning.
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Tim, I'm not a tech expert so I'm hoping someone better will get to analyzing your logs. In the mean time, try setting "Use Internet" (in program settings) to "No" and restarting Logos. This will prevent Logos from trying to sync and use other internet services.
There are a lot of network related errors in your error log so let us know if this makes a difference!
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Thanks, will try that. It's too bad that Logos didn't think to have a look at my logs. It seems that all they wanted was to blame my MacBook and move on!
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Tim Beerman said:
Does anyone else have a problem with heat when using Logos 8? When I am using it my laptop gets so hot it's uncomfortable to have on my lap. The fan runs at full speed so there's the noise of it. This only happens with Logos 8. It never happens with any other software I use. Apple has checked my laptop and it has no issues which would cause the heat issue. Logos support says I am the only one with this problem.
To diagnose, it would help if you could start Logos to an empty layout (not the home screen), and then launch a few things that might cause the CPU spike. While you do this, keep an eye on your Activity Monitor, and see what causes the spike. Here's the things to test:
- The Home Page.
- The Notes tool.
- A couple of interactives.
This is my personal Faithlife account. On 1 March 2022, I started working for Faithlife, and have a new 'official' user account. Posts on this account shouldn't be taken as official Faithlife views!
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I've done that and it doesn't seem to matter what I start with. It invariably heats up and the fan starts running. When I stop inputting the heat decreases and the fan eventually shuts off.
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Hi Tim. I've been away for a while at Bible Camp. Have you resolved this issue yet?
If you haven't, I would suggest calling customer service again and referencing this thread so that they have more to go on.
Also: could someone (FL or KSFJ or someone else) please take a look at the logs posted here?
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Thanks to all who tried to help with my issue! Logos tech support finally got involved and after some testing determined that it was my laptop which is the culprit. According to them there is a known issue with certain MacBooks with overheating. Although mine was made slightly before that generation it still has the some of the same issues. I'll just have to put up with a very hot laptop with with an active fan when using Logos 8.