Cross References

Floyd  Johnson
Floyd Johnson Member Posts: 4,007 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Most of the study bibles, besides having notes, also include cross-references - displayed as small-superscripted letters in the text. These can be tracked one-by-one as one reads through the text. Is there a way to create a list or document that list them under the verses to which they are applied for an entire section or chapter?

For example, when I look in John 21:19 in the CSB, I see three references attached to "follow me":

The three references are given, but each must be looked up individually. There are, of course, other cross-references within this section of scripture as well. Is there a way to generate a list of the starting verse (i.e. 19, in my example) with the cross-references listed. Even better would be if the actual words that the cross-references are keyed on  (i.e. "follow me" in my example) could be listed. As can be seen, there are several cross-references even in this one verse.

I know that there is some cross-reference help in the passage-guide, but it looks like just a long list of verses, with no hint as to where the references are key from.

Any help in making better use of cross-references would be appreciated.




  • Rick Brannan (Logos)
    Rick Brannan (Logos) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 1,862

    Floyd, have you checked the "Important Passages" section of the Passage Guide (if you have Logos 8)? It provides related passages (cross references) and also tries to provide some reasons as to why the passages are related (common data points).

    Rick Brannan
    Data Wrangler, Faithlife
    My books in print

  • Bradley Grainger (Logos)
    Bradley Grainger (Logos) Administrator, Logos Employee Posts: 12,063

    Is there a way to generate a list of the starting verse (i.e. 19, in my example) with the cross-references listed. Even better would be if the actual words that the cross-references are keyed on  (i.e. "follow me" in my example) could be listed.

    Open Power Lookup from the Tools menu. It should automatically "Follow" the open resource, looking up all the footnotes within the text, and the verse references in the footnotes.

  • Floyd  Johnson
    Floyd Johnson Member Posts: 4,007 ✭✭✭


  • Floyd  Johnson
    Floyd Johnson Member Posts: 4,007 ✭✭✭


    Open Power Lookup from the Tools menu. It should automatically "Follow" the open resource, looking up all the footnotes within the text, and the verse references in the footnotes

    Two thoughts after playing with it - 

    1. If multiple resources are open, the user will need to choose a "Link Set" tag - so that the right resource is being tracked.  Not a problem, just an observation.
    2. It would be helpful if the small superscript in the "Power Lookup" would provide a hyperlink back to the reference point in the original resource.

    Thanks for the help.


  • Floyd  Johnson
    Floyd Johnson Member Posts: 4,007 ✭✭✭

    It would be helpful if the small superscript in the "Power Lookup" would provide a hyperlink back to the reference point in the original resource.

    Okay, figured out a bit more.  The first time I click on the text for one of the cross-references, the superscript blinks in the original resource. But this only true for the first referenced text. If I click on a second text tied to the same footnote, nothing happens. I need to click the text for a different footnote before I can find the referring footnote for the earlier footnote text. Hope that makes sense - but I am discovering how it works.
