Generating a Bible reading plan glitch

I have generated various Bible reading plans in Logos for years. As recently as this past Spring I generated a plan by typing in Word the specific references to be included, copying the list, and pasting it into the reference line for a new plan. No problem. However my attempts to do the same thing today have not totally succeeded. I typed, copied, and pasted as usual and the list read just as I had entered it. But when I started the plan the readings were changed. For instance, I typed in Proverbs 1:1-6 as my first reading. The reference line showed Proverbs 1:1-6. When started, though, the first day's reading had been changed to Proverbs 1:1-2. I called support. At first I was told that it was probably because I put in too many references. I backed it up to just a few and got the same results. Then I was told that it might be due to the copying and pasting. I typed the same short list in one by one and got the same results. I am wondering if anyone else has had issues of this sort and if so how it might be fixed?
It may be helpful to have a screenshot of the reading plan as created. A copy of the .docx might be helpful too.
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