Combine personal tags (notes & library)

Franck Member Posts: 30 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Dear user friends,

I have a problem with the note tags.

When I create a new note, I put a personal tag (not anchor but tag) and find that these tags do not match the tags already created in the library. It's annoying because I find myself (if the problem is true) with three types of tags (public, mine created for the library and those created for notes).

Is it possible to combine the personal tags of the notes and those of my library?

Thank you in advance.



  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,130

    Hi Franck 

    Sorry. but there is no linkage between the two different sets of tags. Each set are simply user-defined.  


  • Franck
    Franck Member Posts: 30 ✭✭

    I thank you very much Graham for your answer!

    According to you, is it possible to perform a search type "search notes that contain the personal tag "Lambda" AND books in my library that contain the personal tag "Lambda" AND Collections named "Lambda" ?

    That would be a way for me to get around the problem of separating sets of tags.

    I hope not to clutter you with my question.
    Best regards Graham and thank you again.


  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,130

    Franck said:

    According to you, is it possible to perform a search type "search notes that contain the personal tag "Lambda" AND books in my library that contain the personal tag "Lambda" AND Collections named "Lambda" ?

    No - for a number of reasons:

    • To the best of my knowledge, the Search functions do not match tags on notes
    • You can't specify multiple Collections ("collections named "Lambda") but if you were just thinking of one collection that would be different as below.

    If you are tagging resources in your Library with the tag "lambda" and you also have a collection called "Lambda" you could combine them in the Collections Tool into a new "super collection" and you could then search on that.

    That would address the second and third of your requirements but not the first.

    Franck said:

    I hope not to clutter you with my question.

    Feel free to ask any questions about the use of Logos software - that is what the forums are here for.

  • Franck
    Franck Member Posts: 30 ✭✭

    Thank you very much Graham for the quality of your response.

    When you write "To the best of my knowledge, the Search functions do not match tags on notes", does that mean that you are certain of it, and therefore must I close this question in my mind or am I invited to continue my investigations in this way?

    Thank you for your encouragement to continue my question in the forum. I take advantage of it. :-)
    Can a URL link be considered on a specific booknote or note ? It is for all notes (panel menu / Copy location) but I do not see this option for a specific booknote or a specific note.

    Thank you so much!

  • Franck
    Franck Member Posts: 30 ✭✭

    I found a solution (for the previous link question).
    From the online application (, we must place ourselves on the desired note and copy the browser address. Thus, we obtain the link by countering the absence of ad-hoc function on the software itself. :-)

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,130

    Franck said:

    When you write "To the best of my knowledge, the Search functions do not match tags on notes", does that mean that you are certain of it, and therefore must I close this question in my mind or am I invited to continue my investigations in this way?

    I am certain of it - but I have been certain of things before and others have pointed out ways of doing things that I had missed!

    Unless anyone else contributes pointing out a way of doing this I would "close the question in your mind"

    Franck said:

    Can a URL link be considered on a specific booknote or note ? It is for all notes (panel menu / Copy location) but I do not see this option for a specific booknote or a specific note.

    I see you found a way of doing this using the web app.

    I'm intrigued, however, about what you are trying to do. If you could explain that we might be able to suggest ways of doing it that the software supports more easily - or you might have identified an area for enhancement.

  • Franck
    Franck Member Posts: 30 ✭✭

    Thank you for everything Graham.
    I am sorry for the language errors because I am French speaking and I am not a native English speaker.
    Also, thank you very much for your indulgence and your understanding.

    I work and do research, like most of you, on many different themes at the same time.
    For that, I gather the working resources available around a central core which is an personal work blog.
    To quickly access my notes on my blog that centralizes my data, and which is also the space where I write articles, I also place working links to Logos (my notes, my collections, my search results ... ).

    It is possible with the software to point to a link of all the notes by the option available in "Tools / Notes / Panel menu / Copy location / URL".
    But I do not see how to point to a specific note or a specific booknote.
    That's why I found the solution to go through the web app. I can copy the link from the address bar that provides my specific note and I can paste it on my blog that centralizes my work data on a specific theme each time.

    As you have understood, the ideal for me is to centralize this data. This is also why I was originally looking to generate tags that work for both library books and notes.

    A search in Logos that would have allowed me to search all my personal data (collection, book tags, note tags, booknote, clippings...) and group them in a centralized search result would have been the welcome but it does not exist according to what I understand.

    Thank you again Graham for your different answers.

    Best regards!

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,130

    Franck said:

    I am sorry for the language errors because I am French speaking and I am not a native English speaker.

    No problem at all - I was just trying to ensure I understood what you were saying.

    Franck said:

    As you have understood, the ideal for me is to centralize this data. This is also why I was originally looking to generate tags that work for both library books and notes.

    A search in Logos that would have allowed me to search all my personal data (collection, book tags, note tags, booknote, clippings...) and group them in a centralized search result would have been the welcome but it does not exist according to what I understand.

    I see what you are trying to do.

    One idea - instead of searching for tags, how would it be if you just searched for content in docs you had created? That does find things in clippings, notes etc as below

    This doesn't search in Collections of Logos resources - that would need to be done separately - but does it help at all?

  • Franck
    Franck Member Posts: 30 ✭✭

    Until collections are also grouped together, your solution is perfect.

    Thanks to it, the tags of the books and notes are grouped together and one thus repairs the initial problem of the no linkage between the two different sets of tags.

    Thank you very much Graham! Thank you!

    PS. A simple supplementary question please: 

    Is it possible to save the search results to automatically call them afterwards by clicking on a link?

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,130

    Glad it helped

    If you drag the search panel to a Favorites folder you can click it from there to quickly run the search again

    Some details at 

  • Franck
    Franck Member Posts: 30 ✭✭

    Thank you Graham.
    It was a pleasure to share these posts with you.
    May the time invested in your help be restored to you according to the benevolence of our Lord.