Kay Arthur’s Precept Chapter Study Workflow

Can't find Kay Arthur's Precept Chapter Study Workflow in my Guides > Workflows. Anyone have this issue?
The other lists are there but,I don't see the Precept chapter Study.
Blessings in Christ.
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Tes said:
The other lists are there but,I don't see the Precept chapter Study.
Tes have you add the below link to cart?
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Wow! I haven't seen it ,but now I did and it appears. Thank you so much David. I am a fun of Inductive study bible study method specially from Kay Arthur. Now my challenge is how it works with Logos. Is there a way of highlighting it apart of what is shown on the process by logos? I have purchased Basic steps of bible study ,discover tje life- changing approach and discover the Bible for yourself. Are there more? I am more interested in methods rather books. I would be very glad if I could find some more for better clarification and more understanding.
Blessings in Christ.