Personal Books

Tesfaye Haile
Tesfaye Haile Member Posts: 17 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I have two questions about personal books:

I have  Bibles in my personal Book. I want to change the font of these books. Do I need to go back to Word and change it? If I do that What will happen to the previous books?

Second Q

How can I sync my personal books in the cloud for all my devices without building them in each device?

Thank you



  • Ken McGuire
    Ken McGuire Member Posts: 2,074 ✭✭✭

    Based on my experience...

    Yes, you need to change the font in the source file - usually made with MS Word. And then you need to re-compile it. This re-compiling it will change the font in this personal book, but should not change it in any other works. Of course, if you change MS Word defaults, these defaults will be used in future books you create...

    Under Tools-Utilities-Personal Books, right under the button to "Build Book" there is a button to Upload. If you do this, Faithlife will store a copy of the compiled book on the cloud, and automagically install on your DESKTOP client installs. It will not be available for the iOS or Android versions, however.

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  • How can I sync my personal books in the cloud for all my devices without building them in each device?

    After encountering Personal Book (PB) upload bug => Bug: 7.2 RC 3 Regression: Personal Book Discourse Glossary that disables PB indexes (e.g. Bible), have chosen to compile on one device, sync PB metadata to other personal Logos & Verbum installations (on Mac and/or Windows) followed by using scan command to copy compiled PB resource.

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • David Ames
    David Ames Member Posts: 2,977 ✭✭✭

    To use the scan function I believe that first you need to find the compiled PBB files on the ‘main’ computer. Copy them to a flash drive. Move the flash drive to the ‘secondary’ computer. Then run the scan aimed at the flash drive now on the secondary computer. [[for example: scan F:]]

    I found my compiled PBB files at: C:\Users\User1\AppData\Local\Logos\Data\admhbkzb.2ys\ResourceManager\Resources\

    With file names like: b465afc71adf43bab6b79614a3b2901e.lbspbb

    [[admhbkzb.2ys will be some random characters on your system]]

  • To use the scan function I believe that first you need to find the compiled PBB files on the ‘main’ computer. Copy them to a flash drive. Move the flash drive to the ‘secondary’ computer. Then run the scan aimed at the flash drive now on the secondary computer. [[for example: scan F:]]

    Compiled Personal Books (PB) have *.lbspbb extension. Flash drive is one file transport mechanism. Cloud drive is another. If installations are on a Local Area Network, then can use a network drive (share Resources folder from primary computer so a secondary computer can mount shared folder followed by scan command of shared folder for *.lbspbb copying).

    Logos wiki => Copy Logos Resources to Mac OS X (Supported – saves resource downloading) includes Resource folder location.

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • JohnB
    JohnB Member Posts: 1,085 ✭✭

    If the PBs have previously been uploaded, when the compiled file is synced over to other computers, does the uploaded version automatically overwrite the synched version?     

  • JohnB said:

    If the PBs have previously been uploaded, when the compiled file is synced over to other computers, does the uploaded version automatically overwrite the synched version?

    Would hope the answer is yes (for newer uploaded PB to download & overwrite previous PB on other computers), but honestly do not know since personally have not uploaded PB's due to => Bug: 7.2 RC 3 Regression: Personal Book Discourse Glossary

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,088

    JohnB said:

    If the PBs have previously been uploaded, when the compiled file is synced over to other computers, does the uploaded version automatically overwrite the synched version? 

    Once you Upload a PB in the Personal Book tool, it will be sync'd to your other computers and overwrite any previous version. The same happens when you subsequently make a change, compile the new version, and Upload it again.


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