How do I find which Manuscripts are used for the Septuagint?

I'm using the Lexham English Septuagint, and I would like to know if there is a resource that labels which manuscripts Henry Barclay Swete used for different passages. I already have the Gottingen, but I think all the notes are in German! Is there any apparatus that have English notation? It's ok if the Bible is in Greek, but the notes need to be in English for me to use them.
I was particularly looking at Daniel and Jeremiah and Genesis.
Jesus was born of a VIRGIN, as it is written in the LXX, testified in the NT Matthew 1:23
Isaiah 7:14 (Brenton LXX En)
Swete's Old Testament in Greek, with apparatus, is available in Logos, and if you have the LES (and have a package of some sort) you probably already have the text.
Also, Swete published an introduction that may also be helpful (and which, I'm guessing, you may already have):
Note that Swete's edition of the Greek OT is a "diplomatic" edition, which means he basically uses the same manuscript (Vaticanus) unless the reading is unavailable in the manuscript (e.g. much of Genesis); then he uses Sinaiticus (or if that isn't available, something else). The apparatus records variant readings against Vaticanus.
Rick Brannan
Data Wrangler, Faithlife
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The Old Testament in Greek According to the Septuagint (Apparatus) is pretty bare, but it does note what manuscripts the readings came from. I am not aware of a real textual commentary that gives the support for different texts, although that would be a cool supplement to the Lexham Textual Notes on the Bible.
[Edit, Rick posted while I was still browsing for other options]
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Thank you both for the quick replies! I'm going to check it out ASAP!
Jesus was born of a VIRGIN, as it is written in the LXX, testified in the NT Matthew 1:23
Isaiah 7:14 (Brenton LXX En)